کتاب های D.a. Smith (editor)

Global Exchanges: Scholarships and Transnational Circulations in the Modern World
Ludovic Tournes (editor), Giles Scott-Smith (editor), 2017
Perspectives on Public Space in Rome, from Antiquity to the Present Day
Jan Gadeyne (editor), Gregory Smith (editor), 2013
Warlords Artists and Commoners: Japan in the Sixteenth Century
George Elison (editor), Bardwell L. Smith (editor), 1987
The Routledge Global History of Feminism
Bonnie G. Smith (editor), Nova Robinson (editor), 2022
Development and Underdevelopment: The Political Economy of Inequality
Mitchell A. Seligson (editor), John T. Passe-Smith (editor), 1993
Faculty Development in Developing Countries: Improving Teaching Quality in Higher Education
Cristine Smith (editor), Katherine Hudson (editor), 2016
Science and the Spirit: A Pentecostal Engagement with the Sciences
James K. A. Smith (editor), Amos Yong (editor), 2010
Social Work in Health Emergencies
Patricia Fronek (editor), Karen Smith Rotabi-Casares (editor), 2022
Archaeology to Delight and Instruct: Active Learning in the University Classroom (One World Archaeology)
Heather Burke (editor), Claire E Smith (editor), 2007
Gershom Scholem. Zwischen den Disziplinen
Peter Schäfer (editor), Gary Smith (editor), 1995
Chronicle, Crusade, and the Latin East: Essays in Honour of Susan B. Edgington (Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, 16) (English and Latin Edition)
Andrew Buck (editor), Thomas W Smith (editor), 2022
Handbook of Metaphysics and Ontology (2 Vols)
Hans Burkhardt (editor), Barry Smith (editor), 1991
New Queer Horror Film and Television (Horror Studies)
Darren Elliott-Smith (editor), John Edgar Browning (editor), 2021
The Way of Kinship: An Anthology of Native Siberian Literature
Alexander Vaschenko (editor), Claude Clayton Smith (editor), 2010
Caged in on the Outside: Moral Subjectivity, Selfhood, and Islam in Minangkabau, Indonesia
David P. Chandler (editor), Rita Smith Kipp (editor), Gregory M. Simon, 2014
The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Politics (Oxford Handbooks)
John C. Courtney (editor), David E. Smith (editor), 2010
Social Imaginaries: Critical Interventions
Suzi Adams (editor), Jeremy C.A. Smith (editor), 2019
Leaving the Field: Methodological insights from Ethnographic Exits
Robin James Smith (editor), Sara Delamont (editor), 2023
Religion and Contemporary Art: A Curious Accord
Ronald R. Bernier (editor); Rachel Hostetter Smith (editor), 2023
Film Adaptations of Russian Classics: Dialogism and Authorship
Alexandra Smith (editor); Olga Sobolev (editor), 2023
Animal Body Size: Linking Pattern and Process across Space, Time, and Taxonomic Group
Felisa A. Smith (editor); S. Kathleen Lyons (editor), 2013
The Secrets of Finnish Sauna Design: A Handbook for Holistic Finnish Sauna Design
Lassi Liikkanen, Gavan Smith (editor), Mikesch Muecke (editor), 2021
The Secrets of Finnish Sauna Design: A Handbook for Holistic Finnish Sauna Design
Lassi Liikkanen, Gavan Smith (editor), Mikesch Muecke (editor), 2021
Religion in Archaic and Republican Rome and Italy: Evidence and Experience
Edward Bispham (editor), Christopher Smith (editor), 2001