کتاب های Dan Andrei Geba

Handbook of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Second Edition
Andrei D. Polyanin, 2011
Fluorinated Heterocycles
Andrei A. Gakh, 2009
Dynamics, Bifurcation and Symmetry: New Trends and New Tools
Andrei Afendikov, 1994
The Yellow Devil: Gold and Capitalism
Andrei Anikin, 1983
Political Atlas of the Modern World
Andrei Melville, 2010
Nonlinearities in action: oscillations, chaos, order, fractals
Andrei V. Gaponov-Grekhov, 1993
The Anonymous Elect: Market Research Through Online Access Panels
Andrei Postoaca, 2006
Topological insulators and topological superconductors
B. Andrei Bernevig with Taylor L. Hughes, 2013
Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors
B. Andrei Bernevig, 2013
Elasticity with Mathematica ®: An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics and Linear Elasticity
Andrei Constantinescu, 2007
Elasticity with Mathematica: An introduction to continuum mechanics and linear elasticity
Andrei Constantinescu, 2007
This craft of verse
Mihailescu, Calin Andrei, 2000
This Craft of Verse (Charles Eliot Norton Lectures; 1967-1968)
Jorge Luis Borges (ed. Calin-Andrei Mihailescu), 2000
Moştenirea lui Hristos
Andrei Kuraev, 1997
Interactive multimodal information management
Andrei Popescu-Belis, 2013
Hybrid Methods of Molecular Modeling
Andrei L. Tchougréeff, 2008
North of the DMZ: Essays on Daily Life in North Korea
Andrei Lankov, 2007
Andrei Platonov, 1978