کتاب های Dan C. Marinescu

Elektrotechnik für Studium und Praxis: Gleich-, Wechsel- und Drehstrom, Schalt- und nichtsinusförmige Vorgänge
Marlene Marinescu, Nicolae Marinescu (auth.), 2016
Handbook of Machine Tool Analysis
Ioan D. Marinescu, Constantin Ispas, Dan Boboc, 2002
Handbook of Machine Tool Analysis
Ioan D. Marinescu, Constantin Ispas, Dan Boboc, 2002
Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice
Dan C. Marinescu, 2013
Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice
Dan C. Marinescu, 2013
Classical and Quantum Information
Dan C. Marinescu, 2011
Cloud Computing. Theory and Practice
Dan C. Marinescu (Auth.), 2013
Classical and Quantum Information
Dan C. Marinescu, 2011
Classical and quantum information
Dan C. Marinescu, 2012
Complex Systems and Clouds. A Self-Organization and Self-Management Perspective
Dan C. Marinescu, 2017
Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice
Dan C. Marinescu, 2017
Classical and Quantum Information
Dan C. Marinescu, 2011
Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice
Dan C. Marinescu, 2022
Handbook of Advanced Ceramics Machining
Ioan D. Marinescu, 2006
Handbook of Advanced Ceramics Machining
Ioan D. Marinescu, 2006
Handbook of Advanced Ceramics Machining
Ioan D. Marinescu, 2007
Handbook of Machining With Grinding Wheel
Ioan D. Marinescu, Mike Hitchiner, Eckart Uhlmann, W. Brian Rowe, Ichiro Inasaki, 2007
Handbook of machining with grinding wheels
Marinescu, Ioan D, 2016
Tribology in Manufacturing Technology
Marinescu, W. Brian Rowe, Boris Dimitrov, Ichiro Inasaki,, 2013
Tribology of Abrasive Machining Processes
Marinescu, Joan D.; Rowe, W. Brian; Dimitrov, Boris; Inasaki, Ichiro, 2005
The Global Impact of South Korean Popular Culture: Hallyu Unbound
Valentina Marinescu (ed.), 2014
Advances in CMP Polishing Technologies
Toshiro Doi, Ioan D. Marinescu and Syuhei Kurokawa (Eds.), 2011
Advances in CMP/Polishing Technologies for the Manufacture of Electronic Devices
Doi, Toshiro; Marinescu, Ioan D.; Kurokawa, Syuhei(eds.), 2012
Handbook of Ceramics Grinding & Polishing
Ioan D. Marinescu, 2000