کتاب های Dan Popescu

Greening Video Distribution Networks: Energy-Efficient Internet Video Delivery
Adrian Popescu (eds.), 2018
Dictionar de psihologie
Paul Popescu Neveanu, 1978
Gravitația. Pledoarie pentru o nouă teorie a gravitației
Ioan N. Popescu, 1982
Multimodal Signal Processing : Human Interactions in Meetings
Bourlard, Hervé; Carletta, Jean; Popescu-Belis, Andrei; Renals, Steve (eds.), 2012
Legionarismul sau trairea virtuților și fragmente din sbuciumul exilului
Ovidiu Gaina (Stan M. Popescu), 2000
Legionarismul intre paideia si politica
Ovidiu Gaina (Stan M. Popescu), 2001
Foundations and Trends in Smart Learning: Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)
Maiga Chang, Elvira Popescu, et al, 2019
Norwich Castle: Excavations and Historical Survey, 1987-98. Part I: Anglo-Saxon to c. 1345
Elizabeth Shepherd Popescu (ed.), 2009
Norwich Castle: Excavations and Historical Survey, 1987-98. Part II: c. 1345 - Modern
Elizabeth Shepherd Popescu (ed.), 2009
Norwich Castle: Excavations and Historical Survey, 1987-98. Part III: A Zooarchaeological Study
Umberto Albarella, Mark Beech, Julie Curl, Alison Locker, Marta Moreno García, Jacqui Mulville, Elizabeth Shepherd Popescu, 2009
Norwich Castle: Excavations and Historical Survey, 1987-98. Part IV: People and Property in the Documentary Record
Margot Tillyard, Elizabeth Shepherd Popescu, Nancy Ives, 2009
Quantitative Phase Imaging of Cells and Tissues
Gabriel Popescu, 2011
Alessandro Baricco; Adrian Popescu, 2003
Ocean Mare
Alessandro Baricco; Adrian Popescu, 2003
Logica speculativa hegeliana
Dragos Popescu, 2014
O sociopsihanalizã a realismului socialist
Alice Popescu, 2009
Manual Biologie clasa a IX-a - Biologie Vegetala
Marin Andrei, Ion Popescu, Florica Marascu, Maria Soigan, 1988
Compendiu de Reumatologie
Eugen Popescu, 1995
Fizica manual clasa a XI-a
Mihai Popescu
A Paradigm of Comparative Lexicology
Floriana Popescu, 2019
Cercetari de marketing : tratat
Iacob Catoiu, Carmen Balan, Ioana Cecilia Popescu,Gheorghe Orzan, Calin Veghes, Tiberiu Danetiu, Diana Vranceanu, 2009
Dreptul muncii
Ioan Ciochină-Barbu; Mihaela Agata Popescu, 2016
Problems of Locus Solved by Mechanisms Theory
Iulian Popescu, Xenia Calbureanu, Alina Duta, 2020
Master Techniques in Upper and Lower Airway Management
William H. Rosenblatt MD, Wanda M. Popescu MD, 2015