کتاب های Daniel

Abominable science! : origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and other famous cryptids
Loxton, Daniel; Prothero, Donald R, 2013
Abominable Science!: Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and Other Famous Cryptids
Daniel Loxton, Donald R. Prothero, Michael Shermer, 2013
Historical Perspectives: From the Hasmoneans to Bar Kokhba in the Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls : Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium of ... on the Texts of the Desert of Judah)
Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated lite, Avital Pinnick, Daniel R. Sc, 2001
A Readable Introduction to Real Mathematics
Daniel Rosenthal, David Rosenthal, Peter Rosenthal (auth.), 2014
Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: 4th European Conference, PKDD 2000 Lyon, France, September 13–16, 2000 Proceedings
Arno J. Knobbe, Arno Siebes, Hendrik Blockeel, Daniël Van Der Wallen (auth.), Djamel A. Zighed, Jan Komorowski, Jan Żytkow (eds.), 2000
Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Pathogenesis and Medical Management (Clinical Allergy and Immunology)
Daniel Hamilos, Fuad M. Baroody, 2007
Rhinoplasty Dissection Manual (1999)
Dean M. Toriumi, Daniel G. Becker, 1999
Secondary Rhinoplasty: Including Reconstruction of the Nose
Dr. Rodolphe Meyer, Dr. Jean-Claude Berset, Dr. Jean-François Emeri, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Daniel Simmen (auth.), 2002
A ditadura que mudou o Brasil - 50 anos do golpe de 1964
Daniel Aarao Reis; Marcelo Ridenti; Rodrigo Patto Motta (org.), 2014
Advances in Bio-Imaging: From Physics to Signal Understanding Issues: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
Jo Keeble, Chi Ching Goh, Yilin Wang, Wolfgang Weninger, Lai Guan Ng (auth.), Nicolas Loménie, Daniel Racoceanu, Alexandre Gouaillard (eds.), 2012
Key States, High Stakes: Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and the 2010 Elections
Charles S., III Bullock, Dante J. Scala, Daniel C. Reed, Ted G. Jelen, Amy Widestrom, Christopher Dennis, Susan A. MacManus, David J. Bonanza, Mary L. Moss, Joel Turner, Scott Lasley, Geoffrey Peterson, Stanley P. Berard, M Jean Kingston, Robert Rupp, Costas Panagopoulos, AndrewDowdle , Joseph D. Giammo, Michael A. Maggiotto, Raymond H. Scheele, Janna L. Deitz, Edward Anegon, David Nice, Diana Evans, Charles S. Bullock III, 2011
Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis–1989
Kenneth Turnbull and Daniel M. Ketcha (Eds.), 1989
Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis–1992
Philip M. Weintraub, Kenneth Turnbull, Daniel M. Ketcha and Raymond S. Gross (Eds.), 1992
Surgery of the Human Cerebrum
Michael L.J. Apuzzo, Charles Y. Liu, Daniel Sullivan
Surgery of the Human Cerebrum
Michael L.J. Apuzzo, Charles Y. Liu, Daniel Sullivan
Surgery of the Human Cerebrum
Michael L.J. Apuzzo, Charles Y. Liu, Daniel Sullivan
Mobile NMR and MRI : developments and applications
Michael L Johns, Einar O Fridjonsson, Sarah J Vogt, Agnes Haber, William Price, Peter Blümler, Daniel Holland, John van Duynhoven, Bruce Balcom, Eichii Fukushima, Martin Hurlimann, Anatoly Legchenko, Nan Sun, Michelle Espy, Andrew McDowell, Matthew Rosen, Bernard Blümich, 2015
A Panorama of Modern Operator Theory and Related Topics: The Israel Gohberg Memorial Volume
Daniel Alpay, Haim Attia (auth.), Harry Dym, Marinus A. Kaashoek, Peter Lancaster, Heinz Langer, Leonid Lerer (eds.), 2012
A Panorama of Modern Operator Theory and Related Topics: The Israel Gohberg Memorial Volume
Daniel Alpay, Haim Attia (auth.), Harry Dym, Marinus A. Kaashoek, Peter Lancaster, Heinz Langer, Leonid Lerer (eds.), 2012
A Panorama of Modern Operator Theory and Related Topics: The Israel Gohberg Memorial Volume
Daniel Alpay, Haim Attia (auth.), Harry Dym, Marinus A. Kaashoek, Peter Lancaster, Heinz Langer, Leonid Lerer (eds.), 2012
Extension and Interpolation of Linear Operators and Matrix Functions
Daniel Alpay, Joseph A. Ball, Israel Gohberg (auth.), Prof. I. Gohberg (eds.), 1990
Butterflies, Moths, and Other Invertebrates of Costa Rica: A Field Guide
Carrol L. Henderson, Steve Adams, Daniel H. Janzen, 2010
NMR — Konzepte und Methoden
Prof. Dr. Daniel Canet (auth.), 1994
Deleuze and the naming of God : post-secularism and the future of immanence
Deleuze, Gilles; Deleuze, Gilles; Barber, Daniel Colucciello, 2014