کتاب های Dave Ambrose

The Fundamentals of Graphic Design
Paul Harris, Gavin Ambrose, 2008
The Fundamentals of Typography
Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris, 2006
The Fundamentals of Typography
Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris, 2006
The Fundamentals of Typography
Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris, 2006
The Fundamentals of Typography
Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris, 2006
The Fundamentals of Typography: Second Edition
Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris, 2011
The Layout Book
Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris, 2007
The Production Manual: A Graphic Design Handbook
Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris, 2008
The Visual Dictionary of Architecture
Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris, 2008
The Visual Dictionary of Architecture
Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris, 2008
The visual dictionary of fashion design
Gavin Ambrose; Paul Harris, 2007
The visual dictionary of graphic design
Gavin Ambrose; Paul Harris
The Visual Dictionary of Pre-press & Production
Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris, 2010
Gavin Ambrose; Paul Harris
Return of the Buffalo: The Story Behind America's Indian Gaming Explosion
Ambrose I. Lane Sr., 1995
Claire Danes
Jennifer Ambrose, 2000
Vegetables II: Fabaceae, Liliaceae, Solanaceae, and Umbelliferae
Mike Ambrose (auth.), 2008
Vegetables II: Fabaceae, Liliaceae, Solanaceae, and Umbelliferae
Mike Ambrose (auth.), 2008
Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West
Stephen E. Ambrose, 1996
The victors : Eisenhower and his boys : the men of WWII
Stephen E Ambrose, 1999
The Victors : Eisenhower and His Boys: The Men of World War II
Stephen E. Ambrose, 1999