کتاب های Dave Cavanagh (auth.)

The Foot in Diabetes
Andrew Boulton, Henry Connor, Peter Cavanagh, A. J. M. Boulton, P. R. Cavanagh, 2000
The Foot in Diabetes, 3rd Edition
Andrew Boulton, Henry Connor, Peter Cavanagh, A. J. M. Boulton, P. R. Cavanagh, 2000
Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese. Proceedings of the conference held in Sparta 23-35 April 2009. volume Online Publication 2
Edited by Helen Cavanagh, William Cavanagh, 2009
Coronaviruses with Special Emphasis on First Insights Concerning SARS
Dave Cavanagh (auth.), 2005
SARS- and Other Coronaviruses: Laboratory Protocols
Dave Cavanagh, 2008
Language and Politics in the Sixteenth-Century History Play
Dermot Cavanagh (auth.), 2003
Settler Colonialism and Land Rights in South Africa: Possession and Dispossession on the Orange River
Edward Cavanagh (auth.), 2013
Bayesian Approach to Interpreting Archaeological Data (Statistics in Practice)
Caitlin E. Buck, William G. Cavanagh, Cliff Litton, 1996
Applications of Rasch Measurement in Learning Environments Research
Robert F. Cavanagh, Russell F. Waugh, 2011
Applications of Rasch Measurement in Learning Environments Research
Robert F. Cavanagh, Russell F. Waugh, 2011
Applications of Rasch Measurement in Learning Environments Research
Robert F. Cavanagh, Russell F. Waugh (eds.), 2011
Continuity and Change in a Greek Rural Landscape: The Laconia Survey, Volume 1: Methodology and Interpretation (Annual of the British School at Athens, Supplementary Volume 26)
Richard Catling, William Cavanagh, Joost Crouwel, Graham Shipley, 2002
Continuity and Change in a Greek Rural Landscape: The Laconia Survey, Volume 2: Archaeological Data (Annual of the British School at Athens, Supplementary Volume 27)
W.G. Cavanagh, J.H. Crouwel, Graham Shipley, 1996
Sociology in the Age of the Internet (Sociology and Social Change)
Allison Cavanagh, 2007
X86 Assembly Language and C Fundamentals
Joseph Cavanagh, 2013
Verilog HDL : digital design and modeling
Cavanagh, 2007
Against Equality of Opportunity
Matt Cavanagh, 2002
Against Equality of Opportunity
Matt Cavanagh, 2003
Against Equality of Opportunity (Oxford Philosophical Monographs)
Matt Cavanagh, 2003
Algebra Readiness Made Easy: Grade 3
Mary Cavanagh, 2008