کتاب های Dave Long

Challenging Ways of Knowing - In English, Maths and Science
Dave Baker, 1996
Dave Foreman
Sweet and Sour Pie: A Wisconsin Boyhood
Dave Crehore, 2009
Fascism, Anti-Fascism and Britain in the 1940s
Dave Renton (auth.), 2000
Fascism: Theory and Practice (Politics & political theory)
Dave Renton, 1999
Selling IBM’s Innovative Solutions
Dave BartekLynn BehnkeSrini BezwadaRichard LaiCheryl McPhersonLindaMay PattersonMurthy RallapalliKeng Loon Yap
Debating Calvinism: Five Points, Two Views
Dave Hunt, 2004
How close are we?
Dave Hunt, 1993
How to argue effectively
Dave Barry, 2012
I'll Mature When I'm Dead: Dave Barry's Amazing Tales of Adulthood
Dave Barry, 2010
Natural Childbirth
Dave Barry, 2012
The Taming of the Screw
Dave Barry, 2000
Sea Hag (World of Crystal Walls, No 1)
Dave Drake, 1988
Tools for Working with Guidelines: Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group
Dave Roberts (auth.), 2001
The Shadow of the Lion
Mercedes Lackey Eric Flint Dave Freer, 2002
La philo sans aspirine
Dave Robinson, 2001
Platon za pocetnike
Dave Robinson i Judy Groves
The Backpacker's Cookbook
Dave Coustick, 1996
Dave Pawson, 2002