کتاب های David Boaz

3D Disneyland: Like You've Never Seen It Before
David A. Bossert, David Bossert, 2021
Metametaphysics: New Essays on the Foundations of Ontology
David Chalmers, David Manley, Ryan Wasserman, 2009
Borders and Borderlands in Contemporary Culture
Aoileann Ní Éigeartaigh and David Getty, Aoileann Ni Eigeartaigh, David Getty, 2006
Policing the Empire: Government, Authority and Control, 1830-1940
David M. Anderson (editor), David Killingray (editor), 1991
Policing and Decolonization: Politics, Nationalism and the Police, 1917-65
David M. Anderson (editor), David Killingray (editor), 1992
Guardians of Empire: The Armed Forces of the Colonial Powers c. 1700-1964
David Killingray (editor), David Omissi (editor), 2000
Science: The Definitive Visual Guide
Robert Dinwiddie, Giles Sparrow, Marcus Weeks, Carole Stott, Jack Challoner, David Hughes, David Burnie, Adam Hart-Davis (editor), 2009
Get a Running Start: Your Comprehensive Guide to the First Year Curriculum (Career Guides)
David Gray; Donald Gifford; Mark Graber; William Richman; David Super; Michael van Alstine, 2016
Database concepts
David M. Kroenke; David J. Auer; Robert C. Yoder; Scott L. Vandenberg (eds.), 2017
Data Base Processing Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation
David M. Kroenke, David J. Auer, Scott L. Vandenberg, Robert C. Yoder, 2018
Adapting Cities to Climate Change
Jane Bicknell, David Dodman, David Satterthwaite
The Cambridge World History of Slavery: Volume 4, AD 1804–AD 2016
David Eltis (editor), Stanley L. Engerman (editor), Seymour Drescher (editor), David Richardson (editor), 2017
Linear Algebra Gems: Assets for Undergraduate Mathematics
Charles R. Johnson (editor), David Carlson (editor), A. Duane Porter (editor), David C. Lay (editor), 2002
Indra's Pearls: The Vision of Felix Klein
David Mumford; Caroline Series; David Wright, 2002
Patent it yourself : Your step-by-step guide to filing at the U.S. Patent Office.
David/ Blau David E. Pressman, 2020
Loss: The Politics of Mourning
David L. Eng (editor), David Kazanjian (editor), 2002
Iodine: the Forgotten Weapon Against Influenza COVID Viruses
David Derry MD PhD , Dr David Brownstein, Lynne Farrow, 2021
Handbook of Superconductivity: Characterization and Applications
David A. Cardwell, David C. Larbalestier, Aleksander Braginski, 2023
Handbook of superconducting materials. Volume 2, Processing and cryogenics
David A. Cardwell (editor); David C. Larbalestier (editor), 2018
Antropologías del Sur: Visiones, complejidades, resistencias y desafíos
Jacqueline Clarac, Alex Martins, Juliana Messomo, Natalia Bondarenko, Yarisma Unda, Nelson Montiel, Maya Mazzoldi, Félix Ángeles, Yanett Segovia, Liliana Ramírez, Oscar Duván, Nelly Hernández, Camila Estigarribia, Eilyn Vicuña, Domingo Briceño, Annel Mejías, Leslie López, Alexis Carabalí, Jeniffer Gutierrez, César Torres, Eloisa Ocando, David Lozada, Osvaldo Barreto, Enrique Osman, Carla David, Carlos García, Fernando Rincón, Yimaira Gamboa, Nancy Díaz, Fidel Rodríguez, Julimar Mora, Yanitza Alb, 2021
Ullucus tuberosus Caldas. Catálogo de la colección de germoplasma de ulluco (olluco) conservada en el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP)
Iván Manrique, Carlos Arbizu, Francisco Vivanco, Roberto Gonzales, Carlos Ramírez, Oswaldo Chávez, David Tay, David Ellis, 2017
Even You Can Learn Statistics and Analytics: An Easy to Understand Guide, 4th Edition
David M. Levine, David F. Stephan, 2022
Communism and Political Systems in Western Europe
David Albright; Senior Scientist David Albright, 1979
The Movement Made Us: A Father, a Son, and the Legacy of a Freedom Ride
David J. Dennis Jr., David J. Dennis Sr., 2022