کتاب های David C. Hess (eds.)

Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Railway Noise, Munich, Germany, 4 - 8 September 2007
H. Kanda, H. Tsuda, K. Ichikawa, S. Yoshida (auth.), Burkhard Schulte-Werning, David Thompson, Pierre-Etienne Gautier, Carl Hanson, Brian Hemsworth, James Nelson, Tatsuo Maeda, Paul de Vos (eds.), 2008
Laser-Surface Interactions for New Materials Production: Tailoring Structure and Properties
David B. Geohegan, Alex A. Puretzky (auth.), Antonio Miotello, Paolo M. Ossi (eds.), 2010
Advances in Research and Applications
Frederick Seitz and David Turnbull (Eds.), 1958
Advanced Models for Project Management
J. N. Hooker (auth.), David L. Woodruff (eds.), 1999
Intelligence and Security Informatics: Biosurveillance: Second NSF Workshop, BioSurveillance 2007, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, May 22, 2007. Proceedings
Loren Shaffer, Julie Funk, Päivi Rajala-Schultz, Garrick Wallstrom, Thomas Wittum (auth.), Daniel Zeng, Ivan Gotham, Ken Komatsu, Cecil Lynch, Mark Thurmond, David Madigan, Bill Lober, James Kvach, Hsinchun Chen (eds.), 2007
Intelligent Agents III Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages: ECAI'96 Workshop (ATAL) Budapest, Hungary, August 12–13, 1996 Proceedings
David Kinny, Michael Georgeff (auth.), Jörg P. Müller, Michael J. Wooldridge, Nicholas R. Jennings (eds.), 1997
Model Driven Architecture- Foundations and Applications: Third European Conference, ECMDA-FA 2007, Haifa, Israel, June 11-15, 2007, Proccedings
Achilleas Achilleos, Nektarios Georgalas (auth.), David H. Akehurst, Régis Vogel, Richard F. Paige (eds.), 2007
Public Key Infrastructure: Second European PKI Workshop: Research and Applications, EuroPKI 2005, Canterbury, UK, June 30 - July 1, 2005, Revised Selected Papers
Tobias Straub, Thilo-Alexander Ginkel, Johannes Buchmann (auth.), David Chadwick, Gansen Zhao (eds.), 2005
CT of the Airways
Kathryn Chmura, Stella Hines, Edward D. Chan (auth.), Phillip M. Boiselle MD, David A. Lynch MB (eds.), 2008
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 13th International Conference, ACIVS 2011, Ghent, Belgium, August 22-25, 2011. Proceedings
David Van Hamme, Peter Veelaert, Wilfried Philips (auth.), Jacques Blanc-Talon, Richard Kleihorst, Wilfried Philips, Dan Popescu, Paul Scheunders (eds.), 2011
Advances in Biometric Person Authentication: International Wokshop on Biometric Recognition Systems, IWBRS 2005, Beijing, China, October 22-23, 2005. Proceedings
Matti Pietikäinen, Abdenour Hadid (auth.), Stan Z. Li, Zhenan Sun, Tieniu Tan, Sharath Pankanti, Gérard Chollet, David Zhang (eds.), 2005
Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice
Walter R. Gilks, Sylvia Richardson (auth.), Walter R. Gilks, Sylvia Richardson, David J. Spiegelhalter (eds.), 1996
Pattern Recognition: 32nd DAGM Symposium, Darmstadt, Germany, September 22-24, 2010. Proceedings
David Gallup, Marc Pollefeys, Jan-Michael Frahm (auth.), Michael Goesele, Stefan Roth, Arjan Kuijper, Bernt Schiele, Konrad Schindler (eds.), 2010
Pattern Recognition: 32nd DAGM Symposium, Darmstadt, Germany, September 22-24, 2010. Proceedings
David Gallup, Marc Pollefeys, Jan-Michael Frahm (auth.), Michael Goesele, Stefan Roth, Arjan Kuijper, Bernt Schiele, Konrad Schindler (eds.), 2010
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVI
Randolph E. Bank (auth.), Olof B. Widlund, David E. Keyes (eds.), 2007
Euro-Par 2000 Parallel Processing: 6th International Euro-Par Conference Munich, Germany, August 29 – September 1, 2000 Proceedings
David E. Keyes (auth.), Arndt Bode, Thomas Ludwig, Wolfgang Karl, Roland Wismüller (eds.), 2000
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology: 4th International Conference, AMAST '95 Montreal, Canada, July 3–7, 1995 Proceedings
David Gries (auth.), V. S. Alagar, Maurice Nivat (eds.), 1995
Automata, Languages, and Programming: 40th International Colloquium, ICALP 2013, Riga, Latvia, July 8-12, 2013, Proceedings, Part I
Amir Abboud, Kevin Lewi (auth.), Fedor V. Fomin, Rūsiņš Freivalds, Marta Kwiatkowska, David Peleg (eds.), 2013
Automata, Languages, and Programming: 40th International Colloquium, ICALP 2013, Riga, Latvia, July 8-12, 2013, Proceedings, Part II
Jon Kleinberg (auth.), Fedor V. Fomin, Rūsiņš Freivalds, Marta Kwiatkowska, David Peleg (eds.), 2013
Methods in Porphyrin Photosensitization
Ralph C. Benson Jr. (auth.), David Kessel (eds.), 1986
Digital Libraries: Research and Development: First International DELOS Conference, Pisa, Italy, February 13-14, 2007, Revised Selected Papers
Michal Batko, David Novak, Pavel Zezula (auth.), Costantino Thanos, Francesca Borri, Leonardo Candela (eds.), 2007
Demand-Side Management and Electricity End-Use Efficiency
David Jones (auth.), Anibal T. De Almeida, Arthur H. Rosenfeld (eds.), 1988
Libertarian Socialism: Politics in Black and Red
Alex Prichard, Ruth Kinna, Saku Pinta, David Berry (eds.), 2012
From Animals to Robots and Back: Reflections on Hard Problems in the Study of Cognition: A Collection in Honour of Aaron Sloman
Jeremy L. Wyatt, Dean D. Petters, David C. Hogg (eds.), 2014