کتاب های David G. Reid (auth.)

The Perfect Pickle Book
David Collison, David Mabey, 2008
The Pyramid Builders of Ancient Egypt: A Modern Investigation of Pharaoh's Workforce
Dr A Rosalie David, Rosalie David, 1997
Handbook of Superconductivity: Characterization and Applications
David A. Cardwell, David C. Larbalestier, Aleksander Braginski, 2023
AQA A Level Further Maths: Year 1 + Year 2 (AQA A Level Maths)
Brian Jefferson, David Bowles, Eddie Mullan, Garry Wiseman, John Rayneau, Katie Wood, Mike Heylings, Rob Wagner, David Baker, 2018
Imagining Latinidad: Digital Diasporas and Public Engagement Among Latin American Migrants
David S. Dalton, David Ramírez Plascencia (eds.), 2022
Works of David Lyndesey, Part 3: The Historie of ane Nobil And Wailyeand Squyer William Meldrum
David Lyndesay (David Lindsey); Fitzedward Hall (ed.), 1868
Lógica, razón y humanismo. La obra filosófica de Francisco Miró Quesada C.: libro homenaje por sus 70 años
David Sobrevilla, Domingo García (eds.), Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias, Luis Felipe Alarco, Luis Piscoya, David Sobrevilla, Roberto Vernengo, Newton da Costa, José Ferrater Mora, Héctor Neri Castañeda, Alberto Cordero, Lorenzo Peña, Julio Sanza, Fernando Salmerón, Ernesto Garzón Valdés, Carlos Fernández Sessarego, Engenio Bulygin, Domingo García, Leopoldo Zea, María Luisa Rivara de Tuesta, Ernesto Mayz Vallenilla, Francisco Miró Quesada Rada (auts.), 1992
Natural Asset Farming: Creating Productive and Biodiverse Farms
David B. Lindenmayer, Suzannah M. Macbeth, David G. Smith, Michelle L. Young, 2022
Criminal Laws: Materials and Commentary on Criminal Law and Process of NSW
David Brown; David Farrier; Luke McNamara; Alex Steel; Melanie Schwartz; Thalia Anthony; Arlie Loughnan, 2020
Essential Mathematics Gold for the Australian Curriculum Year 10
David Greenwood, Sara Woolley, Jenny Vaughan, Jenny Goodman, Donna Del Porto, David Robertson, 2012
Essential Mathematics for the Australian Curriculum, 10 & 10A
David Greenwood, David Robertson, Sarah Woolley, Jenny Goodman, Jenny Vaughan, 2015
Conversion and the Politics of Religion in Early Modern Germany
David M. Luebke, Jared Poley, Daniel C. Ryan, David Warren Sabean, 2012
Statistical Mechanics: An Introduction
David H Trevena, David H. Trevena, 2002
The Geography of Crime
David J. Evans, David T. Herbert, 2015
Sustainable Engineering: Concepts, Design, and Case Studies
David T. Allen, David R. Shonnard, 2012
Woodpeckers: A Guide to the Woodpeckers, Piculets and Wrynecks of the World
David A. Christie, David Nurney Hans Winkler, 1995
Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation
David M. Kroenke, David J. Auer, Scott L. Vandenberg, 2022
40: Forty
Margaret Atwood; Margaret Drabble; Michel Faber; Matt Haig; Yann Martel; Patrick Ness; Ruth Ozeki; Philip Pullman; Alasdair Gray; Geoff Dyer; Karl Pilkington; Tao Lin; Ben Brooks; Simon Tofield; Rebecca Miller; Steven Hall; Charles M Schulz; Carol Birch; Oliver Burkeman; Simon Garfield; David Eagleman; Lemn Sissay; Dave Brown; Olivia Laing; David Shrigley; Tahmima Anam; Claudia Hammond; Lily Vanilli; Richard Holloway; Susan Elderkin; Ella Berthoud; Angus Hyland; Patience Agbabi; Marion Deuchars;
A New Battlefield: The Royal Ulster Rifles in Korea, 1950-51
David R. Orr & David Truesdale, 2011
Drugs - without the hot air
Nutt, David [Nutt, David], 2012
Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems: IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2021, Nantes, France, September 5–9, 2021, Proceedings, Part II
Alexandre Dolgui; Alain Bernard; David Lemoine; Gregor von Cieminski; David Romero, 2021
The Global Japanese Restaurant: Mobilities, Imaginaries, and Politics
James Farrer (editor); David Wank (editor); Monica R. de Carvalho (editor); James Farrer (editor); Christian Hess (editor); Chuanfei Wang (editor); David Wank (editor); Lenka Vyletalova (editor), 2023
Out of the Ordinary: Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Associates Architecture, Urbanism, Design
David B. Brownlee (editor), David G. Delong (editor), Kathryn B. Hiesinger (editor), 2001
The Design of Approximation Algorithms
David P. Williamson, David B. Shmoys, 2011