کتاب های David Howard
درباره نویسنده

Assessing Individual Differences in Human Behavior: New Concepts, Methods, and Findings
David Lubinski, Rene V. Dawis, Lloyd G. Humphreys, Leona E. Tyler, Susan E. Embretson, David J. Weiss, Paul E. Meehl, Robert R. Golden, Mary J. Mayer, Nancy E. Betz, David P. Campbell, James Rounds, Niels G. Waller, David T. Lykken, Auke Tellegen, Stanley R. Strong, James J. Jenkins, Winnifred Strange, Linda Olka, David Premack, Howard E. A. Tinsley, John L. Holland, 1995
A Modern Course in Aeroelasticity (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications)
Robert Clark, David Cox, Howard C. Jr. Curtiss, John W. Edwards, Kenneth C. Hall, David A. Peters, Robert Scanlan, Emil Simiu, Fernando Sisto, Thomas W. Strganac, 2004
Making Healthy Places: Designing and Building for Health, Well-being, and Sustainability
Andrew Dannenberg, Howard Frumkin, Richard Jackson, Robin Fran Abrams, Emil Malizia, Arthur Wendel, James Sallis, Rachel A. Millstein, Jordan A. Carlson, Carolyn Cannuscio, Karen Glanz, Jonathan Samet, David A. Sleet, Rebecca B. Naumann, Rose Anne Rudd, Lorraine Backer, William C. Sullivan, Chun-Yen Cheng, Caitlin Eicher, Ichiro Kawachi, Chirs S. Kochtitzky, James Krieger, David E. Jacobs, 2011
"My Words Are Lovely": Studies in the Rhetoric of the Psalms
Robert L. Foster, David M. Howard, Jr., 2008
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB, Third Edition
David Halpern, Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, 2002
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB, Third Edition
David Halpern, Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, 2002
Adv Math Mech App using MatLab Book
Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, David Halpern, 2003
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB
David Halpern, Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, 2003
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB
Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, David Halpern., 2003
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB
David Halpern, Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, 2003
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB
David Halpern, Howard B. Wilson, Louis H. Turcotte, 2003
Bronchial Asthma: A Guide for Practical Understanding and Treatment
Howard David Pettigrew MD, Christopher Chang MD, Suzanne S. Teuber MD (auth.), M. Eric Gershwin, Timothy E. Albertson (eds.), 2012
Acute Mental Health Nursing: From Acute Concerns to the Capable Practitioner
Marc Harrison, Damian Mitchell, David Howard, 2004
Finite Elements and Fast Iterative Solvers: With Applications in Incompressible Fluid Dynamics
Howard C. Elman, David J. Silvester, Andrew J. Wathen, 2005
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, Third Edition
David Howard, Jamie Angus, 2006
Shreir's Corrosion 4 vol set
Tony J.A. Richardson, Bob R A Cottis, Rob Lindsay, Stuart Lyon, David J D Scantlebury, Howard Stott, Mike Graham, 2009
Shreir's Corrosion, Volume 1
Tony J.A. Richardson, Bob R A Cottis, Rob Lindsay, Stuart Lyon, David J D Scantlebury, Howard Stott, Mike Graham, 2009
19 Deadly Sins of Software Security: Programming Flaws and How to Fix Them
Michael Howard, David LeBlanc, John Viega, 2005
24 Deadly Sins of Software Security Programming Flaws and How to Fix Them
Michael Howard, David LeBlanc, and John Viega, 2009
24 Deadly Sins of Software Security: Programming Flaws and How to Fix Them
Michael Howard, David LeBlanc, John Viega, 2009
24 Deadly Sins of Software Security: Programming Flaws and How to Fix Them
Michael Howard, David LeBlanc, John Viega, 2009
Cell Biology of Plant Nematode Parasitism
Prof. Dr. David McK. Bird, Charles H. Opperman (auth.), Director, Integrated Microscopy Facility R. Howard Berg, Principal Investigator Christopher G. Taylor (eds.), 2009
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics
David Howard, Jamie Angus, 2009
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, Fourth Edition
David Howard, Jamie Angus, 2009