کتاب های David Jack Fletcher

Universal Carrier 1936-48
David Fletcher, 2005
Universal Carrier 1936–48
David Fletcher, 2005
US Tank Battles in North Africa and Italy 1943-45
David Fletcher, 2004
Technology and Intimacy: Choice or Coercion: 12th IFIP TC 9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC12 2016, Salford, UK, September 7-9, 2016, Proceedings
David Kreps, Gordon Fletcher, Marie Griffiths (eds.), 2016
British Tanks of WW II (1). France & Belgium 1944 (Concord 7027)
David Fletcher, 2000
British Tanks of WW II (2). Holland & Germany 1944-1945 (Concord 7028)
David Fletcher, 2000
The British Tanks 1915-19
David Fletcher, 2001
Tiger! The Tiger Tank A British View
David Fletcher, 1986
War Cars British Armoured Cars in the First World War
David Fletcher, 1987
Medium Mark A : Whippet
David Fletcher, 2014
David Fletcher, 2004
Tourism : principles and practice
Fletcher, John Edward; Fyall, Alan; Gilbert, David; Wanhill, Stephen, 2018
Tourism : principles and practice
Fletcher, John Edward; Fyall, Alan; Gilbert, David; Wanhill, Stephen, 2018
Cromwell Cruiser Tank 1942–50
David Fletcher; Richard C. Harley; Peter Sarson, 2006
Churchill Infantry Tank
David Fletcher, 2019
Mr. Churchill’s Tank: The British Infantry Tank Mark IV
David Fletcher, 1999
David Fletcher, 2019
Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3
David Amos, Dan Bader, Joanna Jablonski, Fletcher Heisler, 2021
A Path to the World: Becoming You
Lori Marie Carlson-Hijuelos; Joseph Bruchac; Jacinto Jesús Cardona; William Sloane Coffin; Pat Conroy; Mario Cuomo; Timothy Egan; Alan Ehrenhalt; Shadi Feddin; Ralph Fletcher; Valerie Gribben; Alexandre Hollan; Molly Ivins; Geeta Kothari; Jeremy Lee; Yuyi Li; Emily Lisker; Kamaal Majeed; Madge McKeithen; Nawal Nasrallah; Scott Pitoniak; Anna Quindlen; Michael J Sandel; Raquel Sentíes; David E. Skaggs; Gary Soto; Alexandra Stoddard; KellyNoel Waldorf; George Washington; Ying Ying Yu, 2022