کتاب های David Jacobson

The best American essays 2015
Als, Hilton; Angell, Roger; Atleework, Kendra; Atwan, Robert; Berlin, Isaiah; Birkerts, Sven; Briere, Tiffany; Cronin, Justin; Daum, Meghan; Doerr, Anthony; Gladwell, Malcolm; Jacobson, Mark; Jefferson, Margo; Kennicott, Philip; Kreider, Tim; Lebo, Kate; Levy, Ariel; Reed, John; Rushdy, Ashraf H. A.; Sedaris, David; Smith, Zadie; Solnit, Rebecca; Strayed, Cheryl; Sundberg, Kelly, 2015
Toxicological testing handbook : principles, applications, and data interpretation
David Jacobson-Kram, 2006
Toxicological Testing Handbook: Principles, Applications and Data Interpretation, 2nd Edition
David Jacobson-Kram, 2006
Principles Of Brazing
David M. Jacobson, 2005
Place and Belonging in America
David Jacobson, 2001
Principles of Soldering
David M. Jacobson, 2004
Extensions of Linear-Quadratic Control, Optimization and Matrix Theory
David H. Jacobson (Eds.), 1977
Extensions of Linear-Quadratic Control, Optimization and Matrix Theory
David H. Jacobson (Eds.), 1977
Toxicology testing handbook : principles, applications, and data interpretation
David Jacobson-Kram, 2001
Tastes of Paradise: A Social History of Spices, Stimulants, and Intoxicants
Wolfgang Schivelbusch; David Jacobson, 1993
Fundamentals of Industrial Problem Solving: A Practitioner's Guide
David M. Jacobson, Dana Livingston, J.P. Chauvel, Zdravko I. Stefanov, Eldad Herceg, Carla Schmidt, Sunil Kumar Chaudhary, Christopher Paul Christenson, 2022