کتاب های David Kotz

Re Verse: Essays on Poetry and Poets
David R. Slavitt, 2005
My Hundred Million Dollar Secret
David Weinberger, 2006
A Beginner's Guide To Mathematica
David McMahon, Dan M. Topa, 2006
A beginners guide to Mathematica
David McMahon, Dan M. Topa, 2006
Algebra Lineal. Una Introducción Moderna
David Poole, 2011
Bilinear control systems: Matrices in action
David Elliott, 2009
Bilinear Control Systems: Matrices in Action
David Elliott, 2009
Elementary Linear Algebra (incl. Online chapters)
Ron Larson, David C. Falvo, 2008
Energy, Society and Environment
David Elliott, 2003
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay, Judi J. McDonald, c2016
Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction
David Poole, 2014
Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction
David Poole, 2011
Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction
David Poole, 2011
Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics
David F. Rogers, J.Alan Adams, 1976
Understanding complex datasets: data mining with matrix decompositions
David Skillicorn, 2007
Advanced Server Virtualization: VMware and Microsoft Platforms in the Virtual Data Center - 1st edition (May 17, 2006)
David Marshall Wade A. Reynolds Dave McCrory, 2006
Co-integration, Error Correction, and the Econometric Analysis of Non-Stationary Data (Advanced Texts in Econometrics)
Anindya Banerjee, Juan Dolado, J. W. Galbraith, David Hendry, 1993
Counting Working-Age People With Disabilities: What Current Data Tell Us and Options for Inmprovement
Andrew J. Houtenville, David C. Stapleton, Robert R., II Weathers, Richard V. Burkhauser, 2009
Data Analysis for Database Design, Third Edition
David Howe, 2001
Data Monitoring Committees in Clinical Trials: A Practical Perspective (Statistics in Practice)
Susan S. Ellenberg Thomas R. Fleming David L. DeMets, 2002
Data Monitoring Committees in Clinical Trials: A Practical Perspective (Statistics in Practice)
Susan S. Ellenberg Thomas R. Fleming David L. DeMets, 2002
Data Smog: Surviving the Information Glut Revised and Updated Edition
David Shenk, 1998
DBA's Guide to Databases Under Linux
David Egan, 2000