کتاب های David Mark

Encyclopedia of vibration: three volumes set
David J. Ewins, Singiresu S. Rao, Simon G. Braun, 2001
Fisheries Acoustics: Theory and Practice (Fish and Aquatic Resources)
John Simmonds, David MacLennan, 2006
Fisheries Acoustics: Theory and Practice (Fish and Aquatic Resources)
John Simmonds, David MacLennan, 2006
Fisheries Acoustics: Theory and Practice (Fish and Aquatic Resources)
John Simmonds, David MacLennan, 2006
Handbook of Signal Processing in Acoustics
David Havelock, Sonoko Kuwano, Michael Vorländer, 2009
Handbook of Signal Processing in Acoustics 2 vol set
David Havelock, Sonoko Kuwano, Michael Vorländer, 2009
Master Handbook of Acoustics
David McMahon, 2009
Frontiers in Surface Nanophotonics: Principles and Applications (Springer Series in Optical Sciences) (No. 1015)
David L. Andrews, Zeno Gaburro, 2007
Fundamentos de Física Vol. 4: Óptica e Física Moderna
David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker, 2012
Light Scattering by Optically Soft Particles: Theory and Applications
Subodh K. Sharma, David J. Sommerford, 2006
The Eye and Visual Optical Instruments
George Smith, David A. Atchison, 1997
Laser-Surface Interactions for New Materials Production: Tailoring Structure and Properties
David B. Geohegan, Alex A. Puretzky (auth.), Antonio Miotello, Paolo M. Ossi (eds.), 2010
The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Atmospheric Propagation of Radiation
Joseph S. Accetta, David L. Shumaker, 1993
Understanding Atmospheric Dispersion of Accidental Releases
George E. Devaull, John A. King, Ronald J. Lantzy, David J. Fontaine, 1995
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
David J. Griffiths, 2004
Quantum Mechanics and Experience
David Z Albert, 1994
Quantum Mechanics: A Self-Contained Course
David Atkinson, Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou, 2001
整体性与隐缠序:卷展中的宇宙与意识 (Wholeness and the Implicate Order)
David Bohm, 1980
Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Freeman Dyson; David Derbes, 2007
Advanced quantum mechanics
Freeman Dyson; David Derbes, 2007
An introduction to Hilbert space and quantum logic
David W. Cohen, 1989
Atomic structure and periodicity
Jack Barrett, E W Abel, A G Davies, David Phillips, J Derek Woollins, 2002