کتاب های David Patterson

Calculus: Single and Multivariable
Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew M. Gleason, William G. McCallum, Eric Connally, Daniel E. Flath, Selin Kalayci?glu, Brigitte Lahme, Patti Frazer Lock, David O. Lomen, David Lovelock, Guadalupe I. Lozano, Jerry Morris, David Mumford, Brad G. Osgood, Cody L. Patterson, Douglas Quinney, Karen R. Rhea, Adam H. Spiegler, Jeff Tecosky-Feldman, Thomas W. Tucker, 2012
Calculus: Single Variable
Deborah Hughes-Hallett, William G. McCallum, Andrew M. Gleason, Eric Connally, David O. Lomen, Douglas Quinney, Daniel E. Flath, David Lovelock, Karen Rhea, Selin Kalayciôglu, Guadalupe I. Lozano, Adam H. Spiegler, Brigitte Lahme, Brad G. Osgood, Jeff Tecosky-Feldman, Patti Frazer Lock, Cody L. Patterson, Thomas W. Tucker, 2013
Computer Architecture, Fifth Edition: A Quantitative Approach
John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson, 2011
Computer architecture : a quantitative approach
David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, 1990
Beginning XML
David Hunter, Andrew Watt, Jeff Rafter, Jon Duckett, Danny Ayers, Nicholas Chase, Joe Fawcett, Tom Gaven, Bill Patterson, 2004
Beginning XML
David Hunter, Andrew Watt, Jeff Rafter, Jon Duckett, Danny Ayers, Nicholas Chase, Joe Fawcett, Tom Gaven, Bill Patterson, 2004
Beginning XML (Programmer to Programmer)
David Hunter, Andrew Watt, Jeff Rafter, Jon Duckett, Danny Ayers, Nicholas Chase, Joe Fawcett, Tom Gaven, Bill Patterson, 2004
Pastoral Leadership for Manhood and Womanhood
Wayne Grudem, Dennis Rainey, Wayne Grudem, Dennis Rainey, Dennis Rainey, Dennis Rainey, R. Kent Hughes, Daniel L. Akin, Bob Lepine, H. B., Jr. London, Timothy B. Bayly, Ken Sande, C. J. Mahaney, Bob Davies, Dick Purnell, David Powlison, Paul Tripp, Edward T. Welch, Paige Patterson, 2002
Overcoming Deficits of Aging: A Behavioral Approach
Roger L. Patterson, Larry W. Dupree, David A. Eberly, Gary M. Jackson, Michael J. O’Sullivan, Louis A. Penner, Carla Dee Kelly (auth.), 1982
Clinical Hypnosis for Pain Control
David R. Patterson, 2010
Computer Architecture a Quantitative Approach
David A. Patterson, 1990
Computer Architecture. A Quantitative Approach
David A. Patterson John L. Hennessy, 2002
Exile: The Sense of Alienation in Modern Russian Letters
David Patterson, 1994
Engineering Long-Lasting Software: An Agile Approach Using SaaS and Cloud Computing, Beta Edition
Patterson, David &, 2012
Computer Organization and Design 4e Appendices C-E (from CD)
David A. Patterson, 2008
Computer organization and design 4th ed solutions manual
David A. Patterson
Computer Organization and Design, Fifth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface
David A. Patterson, 2013
Computer Organization and Design, Fifth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface
David A. Patterson, 2013
Computer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface
David A. Patterson, 2011