کتاب های David S. Abraham

Approximation and Online Algorithms: Third International Workshop, WAOA 2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 6-7, 2005, Revised Papers
David J. Abraham, Péter Biró, David F. Manlove (auth.), Thomas Erlebach, Giuseppe Persinao (eds.), 2006
Approximation and Online Algorithms: Third International Workshop, WAOA 2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 6-7, 2005, Revised Papers
David J. Abraham, Péter Biró, David F. Manlove (auth.), Thomas Erlebach, Giuseppe Persinao (eds.), 2006
Atlas of Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy, Second Edition
Shiloh Roni, David J. Nutt, Abraham Weizman, 2006
Current Opinion in Cardiology MAY 2009
William J. McKenna, William T. Abraham, David Feldman, 2009
Advances in Vascular Medicine
Ioannis Papaioannou, James S. Owen (auth.), David Abraham, Handler Clive, Michael Dashwood, Gerry Coghlan (eds.), 2010
Empowerment Evaluation Principles in Practice
David M. Fetterman, Abraham Wandersman, 2004
E. P. Abraham, G. G. F. Newton (auth.), David Gottlieb, Paul D. Shaw (eds.), 1967
To Come to the Land: Immigration and Settlement in 16th-Century Eretz-Israel
Abraham David, 1999
Vascular Complications in Human Disease: Mechanisms and Consequences
David Abraham, 2007
Number Games to Improve Your Child’s Arithmetic
Abraham B. Hurwitz, Arthur Goddard, David T. Epstein, 1975
Three early modern Hebrew scholars on the mysteries of song
Harrán, Don; Modena, Leone; Moscato, Judah ben Joseph; Portaleone, Abraham ben David, 2015
Einstein è vissuto qui
Abraham Pais; Maurizio Bruno; David Mezzacapa, 1995
Conducting action research for business and management students
David Coghlan; Abraham B. (Rami) Shani; Bill Lee (editor); M. N. K. Saunders (editor); Veekay Narayanan (editor), 2018
Chronicle of a Revolution: a Western-Soviet Inquiry into Perestroïka
Roy Medvedev, Natalya B. Ivanova, Gavriil Popov, Archie Brown, David Holloway, Abraham Brumberg, 1990
Paul Dirac, the man and his work
Abraham Pais, Maurice Jacob, David Olive, Michael Atiyah, 1998
Iodine: Could Iodine be the solution to your health problems?
Dr. Guy Abraham, Dr. David Brownstein, Dr. Jorge D. Flechas, Dr. William Shevin, 2022
El manejo de las pesquerías en los ríos tropicales de Sudamérica
Danny Pinedo, Carlos Soria, (eds.); Danny Pinedo, Carlos Soria, Margaret Chapman, Edgardo Castro, Stéphanie Borios, Percy Summers, Danny Pinedo, Vanessa Rodríguez, Sarela Paz, Paul van Damme, José Riofrío, Walter Ferré, Daniel Velarde, Peter Bayley, Santiago Duque, Édgar Prieto-Piraquive, Ángela Bolívar, Jesús Dámaso, Abraham Ipuchima, Bernardo Corrales, Enrique Carrizosa, Carlos Granado-Lorencio, Carlos Rodríguez, Damian Fernandes, Fikret Berkes, Mauro Ruffino, Oriana Almeida, David McGrath, Se, 2008
Iodine : Why more is better
Dr Alexandre Doumenach, Bernard Fontaine MD, Linus Pauling, Abram Hoffer MD PhD, Dr David Brownstein, Dr Guy Abraham,Dr Jorge Flechas, 2023