کتاب های David Sosa (editor)

Wise Practices: Exploring Indigenous Economic Justice and Self-Determination
Robert Hamilton (editor), John Borrows (editor), Brent Mainprize (editor), Ryan Beaton (editor), Joshua Ben David Nichols (editor), 2021
Practical Differential Diagnosis for CT and MRI
Eugene C. Lin (editor), Edward Escott (editor), Kavita Garg (editor), Andrew G Bleicher (editor), David Alan Alexander (editor), 2008
Ancient Supercontinents and the Paleogeography of Earth
Lauri J Pesonen (editor), Johanna Salminen (editor), Sten-Ake Elming (editor), David A.D. Evans (editor), Toni Veikkolainen (editor), 2021
The Archaeology of Tanamu 1: A Pre-Lapita to Post-Lapita Site from Caution Bay, South Coast of Mainland Papua New Guinea
Bruno David (editor), Katherine Szabo (editor), Matthew Leavesley (editor), Ian J. McNiven (editor), Jeremy Ash (editor), 2022
Surveys on Solution Methods for Inverse Problems
David Colton (editor), Heinz W. Engl (editor), Alfred K. Louis (editor), Joyce McLaughlin (editor), William Rundell (editor), 2000
Climate Change, Hazards and Adaptation Options: Handling the Impacts of a Changing Climate (Climate Change Management)
Walter Leal Filho (editor), Gustavo J. Nagy (editor), Marco Borga (editor), Pastor David Chávez Muñoz (editor), Artur Magnuszewski (editor), 2020
Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2010: International Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, March 23-26, 2010, Proceedings
David Taniar (editor), Osvaldo Gervasi (editor), Beniamino Murgante (editor), Eric Pardede (editor), Bernady O. Apduhan (editor), 2010
Co-creating for Context in the Transfer and Diffusion of IT: IFIP WG 8.6 International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, TDIT 2022, ... and Communication Technology, 660)
Amany Elbanna (editor), Shane McLoughlin (editor), Yogesh K. Dwivedi (editor), Brian Donnellan (editor), David Wastell (editor), 2022
Feedback Economics: Economic Modeling with System Dynamics (Contemporary Systems Thinking)
Robert Y. Cavana (editor), Brian C. Dangerfield (editor), Oleg V. Pavlov (editor), Michael J. Radzicki (editor), I. David Wheat (editor), 2021
The Wiley Blackwell companion to social movements
David A. Snow; Hanspeter Kriesi; Sarah Anne Soule; Holly J. McCammon; Sarah Anne Soule (editor); Holly J. McCammon (editor); Hanspeter Kriesi (editor); David A. Snow (editor), 2019
Jews and Protestants: From the Reformation to the Present
Irene Aue-ben David (Author), Irene Aue-Ben David (Editor), Aya Elyada (Editor), Moshe Sluhovsky (Editor), Christian Wiese (Editor), 2020
Applications of Computational Intelligence: Third IEEE Colombian Conference, ColCACI 2020, Cali, Colombia, August 7-8, 2020, Revised Selected Papers ... in Computer and Information Science, 1346)
Alvaro David Orjuela-Cañón (editor), Jesus Lopez (editor), Julián David Arias-Londoño (editor), Juan Carlos Figueroa-García (editor), 2021
Handbook of Forensic Statistics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods)
David L. Banks (editor), Karen Kafadar (editor), David H. Kaye (editor), Maria Tackett (editor), 2020
The Cambridge World History of Slavery: Volume 4, AD 1804–AD 2016
David Eltis (editor), Stanley L. Engerman (editor), Seymour Drescher (editor), David Richardson (editor), 2017
Linear Algebra Gems: Assets for Undergraduate Mathematics
Charles R. Johnson (editor), David Carlson (editor), A. Duane Porter (editor), David C. Lay (editor), 2002
Conjunctive Explanations in Science and Religion
Diarmid A. Finnegan (editor); David H. Glass (editor); Mikael Leidenhag (editor); David N. Livingstone (editor), 2023
DNA Microarrays and Related Genomics Techniques: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Experiments (Biostatistics)
David B. Allison (Editor), Grier P. Page (Editor), T. Mark Beasley (Editor), Jode W. Edwards (Editor, 2005
Aesthetic Surgery Techniques: A Case-Based Approach
James D. Frame (Editor), Shahrokh C. Bagheri (Editor), David J. Smith (Editor), Husain Ali Khan (Editor), 2018
The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology
Miranda Fricker (Editor), Peter J. Graham (Editor), David Henderson (Editor), Nikolaj J. L. L. Pedersen (Editor), 2019
Flexible Bayesian Regression Modelling
Yanan Fan (editor), David Nott (editor), Mike S. Smith (editor), Jean-Luc Dortet-Bernadet (editor), 2019
Advances in Medical and Surgical Engineering
Waqar Ahmed (editor), David Phoenix (editor), Mark Jackson (editor), Charaçambous P. Charalambous (editor), 2020
Understanding Recruitment to Organized Crime and Terrorism
David Weisburd (editor), Ernesto U. Savona (editor), Badi Hasisi (editor), Francesco Calderoni (editor), 2020
Disorders of the shoulder : diagnosis & management volume 3
Joseph David Zuckerman (editor); Anthony Miniaci (editor); Jr. Gerald R. Williams (editor); Joseph P. Iannotti (editor), 2014
Queer Feminist Science Studies: A Reader (Feminist Technosciences)
Cyd Cipolla hD (editor), Kristina Gupta hD (editor), David A. Rubin hD (editor), Angela Willey hD (editor), 2017