کتاب های De S. Jane Gari

Fred Hoyle's Universe
Jane Gregory, 2005
Imperial Benevolence: Making British Authority in the Pacific Islands
Jane Samson, 1998
Managers Managing: The Workings of an Administrative System
Jane Hannaway, 1989
Thomas Hardy, Femininity and Dissent: Reassessing the ‘Minor’ Novels
Jane Thomas (auth.), 1999
The River
Mary Jane Beaufrand, 2010
Tea of the Sages: The Art of Sencha
Patricia Jane Graham, 1998
Tea of the Sages: The Art of Sencha
Patricia Jane Graham, 1998
The fledgling
Jane Langton, 1990
Rome and her Enemies. An Empire Created and Destroyed by War
Jane Penrose, 2008
Rome and her Enemies. An Empire Created and Destroyed by War
Jane Penrose, 2005
Violence and the Cultural Politics of Trauma
Jane Kilby, 2007
Virginia Woolf's Novels and the Literary Past
Jane de Gay, 2006
Flood Stage and Rising
Jane Varley, 2005
Flood Stage and Rising
Jane Varley, 2005
Men and Women Writers of the 1930s: The Dangerous Flood of History
Jane Montefiore, 1996
Islamic Conversion and Christian Resistance on the Early Modern Stage
Jane Hwang Degenhardt, 2010
Frommer's Iceland
Jane Victoria Appleton, 2011
Practical Gynaecological Ultrasound
Jane Bates
Practical gynaecological ultrasound
Jane Bates, 1997
An Osteopathic Approach to Children
Jane Elizabeth Carreiro DO, 2009
An Osteopathic Approach to Children
Jane E Carreiro, 2003