کتاب های Deborah A

A field guide for science writers
Deborah Blum, Mary Knudson, Robin Marantz Henig, 2006
A Kaleidoscope of Models and Strategies for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Deborah L. Norland, Terry Pruett-Said, 2006
Beyond The Borders: American Literature and Post-Colonial Theory
Deborah L. Madsen, 2003
Beyond The Borders: American Literature and Post-Colonial Theory
Deborah L. Madsen, 2003
Complete Poetry and Prose: A Bilingual Edition
Louise Labe, Deborah Lesko Baker, Annie Finch, 2006
South Carolina Math Connects: Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving, Course 3
Day, Roger; Frey, Patricia; Howard, Arthur C; Hutchens, Deborah A; Luchin, Beatrice; McClain, Kay, 2008
Different games, different rules
Haru Yamada, Deborah Tannen, 1997
Core Clinical Competencies in Anesthesiology: A Case-based Approach
Christopher J. Gallagher, Michael C. Lewis, Deborah A. Schwengel, 2010
Fabry Disease
Andreas Gal (auth.), Deborah Elstein, Gheona Altarescu, Michael Beck (eds.), 2010
Gene Expression and Its Discontents: The Social Production of Chronic Disease
Rodrick Wallace, Deborah Wallace (auth.), 2010
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (American Academy of Neurology)
M.D. Robert G. Miller, M.D. Deborah Gelinas, RN Patricia O'Connor, 2004
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (American Academy of Neurology)
Robert G. Miller, Deborah Gelinas, Patricia O'Connor,, 2004
The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice
Deborah Adele, 2009
Broadening the Dementia Debate: Towards Social Citizenship (Ageing and the Lifecourse Series)
Ruth Bartlett, Deborah O'connor, 2010
Acceptable Evidence: Science and Values in Risk Management (Environmental Ethics and Science Policy Series)
Deborah G. Mayo, Rachelle D. Hollander, 1994
Amending the Abject Body: Aesthetic Makeovers in Medicine and Culture
Deborah Caslav Covino, 2004
Environmental Sociology: From Analysis to Action
Leslie King, Deborah McCarthy, 2009
Gender and Discourse
Deborah Tannen, 1996
Mindful Teaching and Teaching Mindfulness
Deborah Schoeberlein David (Author), Suki Sheth (Author), 2009
The Resolution of Inflammation
Derek Gilroy, Toby Lawrence (auth.), Dr Adriano G. Rossi, Dr Deborah A. Sawatzky (eds.), 2008
Business Continuity and HIPAA: Business Continuity Management in the Health Care Environment
James C. Barnes, Philip Jan Rothstein, Deborah Barnes, 2004
Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind
Diego Rasskin-Gutman, Deborah Klosky (transl.), 2009