کتاب های Deborah M. Kolb Ph.d.

Driving Women: Fiction and Automobile Culture in Twentieth-Century America
Deborah Clarke, 2007
Driving Women: Fiction and Automobile Culture in Twentieth-Century America
Deborah Clarke, 2007
Falling in Love Again: Romantic Comedy in Contemporary Cinema
Stacey Abbott, Deborah Jermyn, 2009
A Walk in the Garden: Biblical Iconographical and Literary Images of Eden (JSOT Supplement)
Paul Morris, Deborah Sawyer
Digital infrared photography photo workshop
Deborah Sandidge, 2009
Genetic Nature Culture: Anthropology and Science beyond the Two-Culture Divide
Alan Goodman (Editor), Deborah Heath (Editor), M. Lindee (Editor), 2003
Genetic Nature Culture: Anthropology and Science beyond the Two-Culture Divide
Alan Goodman (Editor), Deborah Heath (Editor), M. Susan Lindee (Editor), 2003
Locating Bourdieu (New Anthropologies of Europe)
Deborah Reed-Danahay, 2004
Manual of Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplantation (Cambridge Medicine)
Joseph H. Antin MD, Deborah Yolin Raley
China and the World Trading System: Entering the New Millennium
Deborah Z. Cass (Editor), Brett G. Williams (Editor), George Barker (Editor), 2003
Quick and accurate 12-lead ECG interpretation
Davis, Dale; Foster-Roesler, Leslie; Lynam, Deborah; Turner, Patrick, 2005
African Americans During the Civil War (Slavery in the Americas)
Deborah H. Deford, 2006
A field guide for science writers
Deborah Blum, Mary Knudson, Robin Marantz Henig, 2006
A Kaleidoscope of Models and Strategies for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Deborah L. Norland, Terry Pruett-Said, 2006
Beyond The Borders: American Literature and Post-Colonial Theory
Deborah L. Madsen, 2003
Beyond The Borders: American Literature and Post-Colonial Theory
Deborah L. Madsen, 2003
Complete Poetry and Prose: A Bilingual Edition
Louise Labe, Deborah Lesko Baker, Annie Finch, 2006
South Carolina Math Connects: Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving, Course 3
Day, Roger; Frey, Patricia; Howard, Arthur C; Hutchens, Deborah A; Luchin, Beatrice; McClain, Kay, 2008
Different games, different rules
Haru Yamada, Deborah Tannen, 1997
Core Clinical Competencies in Anesthesiology: A Case-based Approach
Christopher J. Gallagher, Michael C. Lewis, Deborah A. Schwengel, 2010
Fabry Disease
Andreas Gal (auth.), Deborah Elstein, Gheona Altarescu, Michael Beck (eds.), 2010
Gene Expression and Its Discontents: The Social Production of Chronic Disease
Rodrick Wallace, Deborah Wallace (auth.), 2010