کتاب های Deep Halder

Blood Island: An Oral History of the Marichjhapi Massacre
Deep Halder, 2019
Blood Island: An Oral History of the Marichjhapi Massacre
Deep Halder, 2019
Blood Island: An Oral History of the Marichjhapi Massacre
Deep Halder, 25 May 2019
Bengal 2021: An Election Diary
Halder, Deep, 2021
Blood Island: An Oral History of the Marichjhapi Massacre
Deep Halder, 2019
Dermatology and Dermatological Therapy of Pigmented Skins
Rebat Halder, 2005
Dermatology and Dermatological Therapy of Pigmented Skins
Halder R., 2006
Cyber crime and the victimization of women : laws, rights and regulations
Debarati Halder, 2012
AE-Manual der Endoprothetik: Hüfte und Hüftrevision
Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Andreas M. Halder (auth.), 2012
A Life Less Ordinary: A Memoir
Baby Halder, 2008
Filosofijos žodynas
Alois Halder, 2002
Deutsche Teilung. Vorgeschichte und Anfangsjahre der doppelten Staatsgründung
Winfrid Halder, 2002
Hands-On Machine Learning for Cybersecurity: Safeguard your system by making your machines intelligent using the Python ecosystem
Soma Halder, Sinan Ozdemir, 2018
Data Structure and Algorithm with C
Debdutta Pal, Suman Halder, 2018
Advancement of Human Rights in India : Contemporary and Emerging Challenges
Debarati Halder, Shrut S. Brahmbhatt, 2021
Cell Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology
Dipak Kumar Kar, Soma Halder, 2019
Plant Breeding, Biometry & Biotechnology
Dipak Kumar Kar; Soma Halder, 2020
Bangali_Sanskritir_Rup (বাঙালি সংস্কৃতির রুপ)
Gopal Halder (গোপাল হালদার), 1975
Biodiesel Production: Feedstocks, Catalysts, and Technologies
Samuel Lalthazuala Rokhum, Gopinath Halder, Suttichai Assabumrungrat, Kanokwan Ngaosuwan, 2022
E Juger Juddho (এ যুগের যুদ্ধ)
Gopal Halder (গোপাল হালদার)
Bancharaler Korocha (বনচাড়ালের কড়চা)
Gopal Halder (গোপাল হালদার)
Medicinal Plants: Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Conservation
Sumita Jha , Mihir Halder, 2023