کتاب های Derek Ryan (editor)

Computational Science – ICCS 2022: 22nd International Conference, London, UK, June 21–23, 2022, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Derek Groen (editor), Clélia de Mulatier (editor), Maciej Paszynski (editor), Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya (editor), Jack J. Dongarra (editor), Peter M. A. Sloot (editor), 2022
Contradictory Woolf: Selected Papers from the Twenty-First Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf
Derek Ryan (editor), Stella Bolaki (editor), 2012
The Bantu Languages
Mark Van de Velde (editor), Koen Bostoen (editor), Derek Nurse (editor), Gérard Philippson (editor), 2019
The Bantu Languages
Mark Van de Velde (editor), Koen Bostoen (editor), Derek Nurse (editor), Gérard Philippson (editor), 2019
Heritage and War: Ethical Issues
William Bülow (editor), Helen Frowe (editor), Derek Matravers (editor), Joshua Lewis Thomas (editor), 2023
Living (Il)legalities in Brazil: Practices, Narratives and Institutions in a Country on the Edge
Sara Brandellero (editor), Derek Pardue (editor), Georg Wink (editor), 2020
Reading Lacan's Écrits: From ‘Logical Time’ to ‘Response to Jean Hyppolite’
Derek Hook (editor), Calum Neill (editor), Stijn Vanheule (editor), 2022
Immunopotentiators in Modern Vaccines
Virgil E Schijns (Editor), Derek O'Hagan (Editor), 2005
The Business of Opera
Anastasia Belina-Johnson (Editor), Derek B. Scott (Editor), 2016
Injectable fillers : facial shaping and contouring
Arthur Swift (editor); Derek Jones (editor), 2019
John Calvin: For A New Reformation
Derek W. H. Thomas (editor), John W. Tweeddale (editor), 2019
Travelling the Korosko Road : archaeological exploration in Sudans Eastern desert
WV Davies (editor); Derek A. Welsby (editor), 2020
Digital Libraries: Policy, Planning and Practice
Judith Andrews (editor), Derek Law (editor), 2004
Security, Society and the State in the Caucasus
Kevork Oskanian (editor), Derek Averre (editor), 2018
Zoë Wicomb & the Translocal: Writing Scotland & South Africa
Kai Easton (editor), Derek Attridge (editor), 2017
Literature and Event: Twenty-First Century Reformulations
Mantra Mukim (editor), Derek Attridge (editor), 2021
The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence: A Sourcebook
Derek Partridge (editor), 1990