کتاب های Dieter Muhs

Corruption: Anthropological Perspectives (Anthropology, Culture and Society)
Dieter Haller, Cris Shore, 2005
Biochemische Genetik: Eine Einfuhrung unter besonderer Berucksichtigung hoherer Pflanzen
Professor Dr. Dieter Heß (auth.), 1968
Osmosensing and Osmosignaling
Helmut Sies, Dieter Haeussinger, 2007
Cell-Cell Channels (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)
Frantisek Baluska (Editor), Dieter Volkmann (Editor), Peter W. Barlow (Editor), 2006
Cytokines and Colony Stimulating Factors: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology Vol 215)
by Dieter Korholz (Editor), Wieland Kiess (Editor), 2002
(Un)masking Schulz: New Combinations, Further Fragmentations, Ultimate Reintegrations (Studies in Slavic Literature & Poetics)
Dieter De Bruyn, Kris Van Heuckelom (editors), 2009
Advances in Case-Based Reasoning: 9th European Conference, ECCBR 2008, Trier, Germany, September 1-4, 2008. Proceedings
Isabelle Bichindaritz (auth.), Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Ralph Bergmann, Mirjam Minor, Alexandre Hanft (eds.), 2008
Dragon Quest VIII - L'odissea del Re maledetto - Guida Ufficiale
Klaus-Dieter Hartwig, 2006
Altperuanische Kulturen
Dieter Eisleb, 1975
An introduction to queueing theory and matrix-analytic methods
L. Breuer, Dieter Baum, 2005
An introduction to queueing theory and matrix-analytic methods
L. Breuer, Dieter Baum, 2005
An Introduction to Queueing Theory: and Matrix-Analytic Methods
L. Breuer, Dieter Baum, 2005
Elections in Africa: A Data Handbook
Dieter Nohlen, Michael Krennerich, Berhard Thibaut, 1999
Elections in Asia and the Pacific: A Data Handbook: Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asia Volume 1 (Elections in Asia and the Pacific Vol. 1)
Dieter Nohlen, Florian Grotz, Christof Hartmann, 2002
Elections in Asia and the Pacific: A Data Handbook: South East Asia, East Asia, and the Pacific Volume 2
Dieter Nohlen, Florian Grotz, Christof Hartmann, 2002
Elections in the Americas: A Data Handbook Volume 2: South America
Dieter Nohlen, 2005
Exact Exponential Algorithms
Fedor V. Fomin, Dieter Kratsch, 2010
Perturbation methods, bifurcation theory and computer algebra
Richard H. Rand, Dieter Armbruster, 1987
Ernst Zermelo: an approach to his life and work
Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus, Volker Peckhaus, 2007
Ernst Zermelo: An Approach to His Life and Work
Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus, Volker Peckhaus, 2007
Graphs networks and algorithms
Dieter Jungnickel, 2004
Graphs, Networks and Algorithms
Dieter Jungnickel (auth.), 2013
Graphs, Networks and Algorithms
Dieter Jungnickel, 2007