کتاب های Dieter

Compiler Compilers and High Speed Compilation: 2nd CCHSC Workshop Berlin, GDR, October 10–14, 1988 Proceedings
Werner Aßmann (auth.), Dieter Hammer (eds.), 1989
Molecular Modeling - Basic Principles and Applications
Hans-Dieter Höltje, Gerd Folkers, Raimund Mannhold, Hugo Kubinyi, Hendrik Timmerman, 1996
Molecular Modeling: Basic Principles and Applications
Hans-Dieter Höltje, Gerd Folkers, Thomas Beier, Wolfgang Sippl, Didier Rognan, 1996
Fertigungstechnik (VDI)
A. Herbert Fritz, A. Herbert Fritz, Günter Schulze, Günter Schulze, Klaus-Dieter Kühn, Hans-Werner Hoffmeister, 2009
Calcium and Cell Physiology
H. Rasmussen, W. Zawalich, I. Kojima (auth.), Professor Dr. Dieter Marmé (eds.), 1985
The politics of positive incentives in arms control
Thomas Bernauer, Dieter Ruloff, 1999
The Lumbar Spine: Official Publication of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine
Harry N. Herkowitz, Jiří Dvořák, Gordon R. Bell, Margareta Nordin, Dieter Grob, 2004
The Lumbar Spine: Official Publication of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine
Harry N. Herkowitz MD, Jirí Dvorák MD, Gordon R. Bell MD, Margareta Nordin DirSci, Dieter Grob MD, 2004
Anatomy of the Heart by Multislice Computed Tomography
Klaus-Dieter Budras,Sabine Rock,W. O. Sack., 2008
Anatomy of the Horse (Vet (Schlutersche))
Klaus Dieter Budras, W. O. Sack, 2010
Einführung in die Medizinische Statistik
Prof. Dr. Ralf-Dieter Hilgers, Prof. Dr. Peter Bauer, Prof. Dr. Victor Scheiber (auth.), 2003
Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values: from Insurance, Finance, Hydrology and Other Fields
Rolf-Dieter Reiss, Michael Thomas (auth.), 1997
Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values: with Applications to Insurance, Finance, Hydrology and Other Fields
Rolf-Dieter Reiß, Michael Thomas, 2007
Statistical analysis of extreme values: with applications to insurance, finance, hydrology and other fields
Rolf-Dieter Reiß, Michael Thomas, 2007
Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values: with Applications to Insurance, Finance, Hydrology and Other Fields
Rolf-Dieter Reiss, Michael Thomas (auth.), 2007
An Introduction to High-Voltage Experimental Technique: Textbook for Electrical Engineers
Dieter Kind (auth.), 1978
High-Voltage Insulation Technology: Textbook for Electrical Engineers
Dieter Kind, Hermann Kärner (auth.), 1985
Influenza Virus Sialidase - A Drug Discovery Target
Hans Dieter Klenk (auth.), Mark von Itzstein (eds.), 2012
Privatisation in Transforming and Developing Economies: Strategies — Consultancy — Experiences
Jürgen Klenk, Christine Philipp, Dr. Rolf-Dieter Reineke, Dr. Norbert Schmitz (auth.), 1995
Privatisierung in Transformations-und Entwicklungsländern: -Strategien -Beratung -Erfahrungen
Jürgen Klenk, Christine Philipp, Dr. Rolf-Dieter Reineke, Dr. Norbert Schmitz (auth.), 1994
Computer Security — ESORICS 98: 5th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium September 16–18, 1998 Proceedings
Hervé Debar, Marc Dacier, Mehdi Nassehi, Andreas Wespi (auth.), Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Yves Deswarte, Catherine Meadows, Dieter Gollmann (eds.), 1998