کتاب های Dirk Lange (eds.)

Enabling Things to Talk: Designing IoT solutions with the IoT Architectural Reference Model
Thorsten Kramp, Rob van Kranenburg, Sebastian Lange (auth.), Alessandro Bassi, Martin Bauer, Martin Fiedler, Thorsten Kramp, Rob van Kranenburg, Sebastian Lange, Stefan Meissner (eds.), 2013
Physiological Plant Ecology I: Responses to the Physical Environment
O. L. Lange, P. S. Nobel, C. B. Osmond, H. Ziegler (auth.), Professor Dr. O. L. Lange, Professor P. S. Nobel, Professor C. B. Osmond, Professor Dr. H. Ziegler (eds.), 1981
Physiological Plant Ecology II: Water Relations and Carbon Assimilation
O. L. Lange, P. S. Nobel, C. B. Osmond, H. Ziegler (auth.), Professor Dr. O. L. Lange, Professor P. S. Nobel, Professor C. B. Osmond, Professor Dr. H. Ziegler (eds.), 1982
Physiological Plant Ecology III: Responses to the Chemical and Biological Environment
O. L. Lange, P. S. Nobel, C. B. Osmond, H. Ziegler (auth.), Professor Dr. O. L. Lange, Professor P. S. Nobel, Professor C. B. Osmond, Professor Dr. H. Ziegler (eds.), 1983
Physiological Plant Ecology IV: Ecosystem Processes: Mineral Cycling, Productivity and Man’s Influence
O. L. Lange, P. S. Nobel, C. B. Osmond, H. Ziegler (auth.), Professor Dr. O. L. Lange, Professor P. S. Nobel, Professor C. B. Osmond, Professor Dr. H. Ziegler (eds.), 1983
NMR of Ordered Liquids
C. A. de Lange, E. E. Burnell (auth.), E. Elliott Burnell, Cornelis A. de Lange (eds.), 2003
Umformtechnik Handbuch für Industrie und Wissenschaft: Band 2: Massivumformung
K. Lange (auth.), Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Kurt Lange (eds.), 1988
Die Polizei der Gesellschaft: Zur Soziologie der Inneren Sicherheit
Hans-Jürgen Lange (auth.), Hans-Jürgen Lange (eds.), 2003
Fourier-Transformation zur Signal- und Systembeschreibung
Jörg Lange, Tatjana Lange, 2019
Writing About Architecture: Mastering the Language of Buildings and Cities
Alexandra Lange; Jeremy M. Lange, 2012
Learning to be a Teacher
John Lange, Sue Burroughs-Lange, 2017
Learning to be a Teacher
John Lange, Sue Burroughs-Lange, 2017
Demokratiepolitik: Vermessungen – Anwendungen – Probleme – Perspektiven
Werner Friedrichs, Dirk Lange (eds.), 2016
Farbe und Konstitution anorganischer Feststoffe (Pigmente): I. Über die Lichtabsorption des zweiwertigen Kobalts nach isomorphem Einbau in oxidische Wirtsgitter
Prof. Dr. Otto Schmitz-Du Mont, Dr. Hedwig Brokopf, Dr. Klaus Burkhardt, Dipl.-Chem. Claus Friebel, Dr. Mahmoud Hassanein, Dr. Heinrich Lange, Dr. Dirk Reinen (auth.), 1964
The Role of Bacteria in Urology
Dirk Lange, 2016
Applied Scanning Probe Methods III: Characterization
Dessy Nikova, Tobias Lange, Hans Oberleithner (auth.), Professor Bharat Bhushan, Professor Dr. Harald Fuchs (eds.), 2006
Engineering Ceramics ’96: Higher Reliability through Processing
F. F. Lange (auth.), Gian Nicola Babini, Miroslav Haviar, Pavol à ajgalík (eds.), 1997
Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2006: 7th International Conference on Cryptology in India, Kolkata, India, December 11-13, 2006. Proceedings
James L. Massey (auth.), Rana Barua, Tanja Lange (eds.), 2006
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology in Liver Transplantation
G. Kazemier MD, J. F. Lange MD, PhD (auth.), E. Bücheler MD, V. Nicolas MD, C. E. Broelsch MD, FACS, X. Rogiers MD, G. Krupski MD, PhD (eds.), 2003
Advances in Fungal Biotechnology for Industry, Agriculture, and Medicine
David M. Geiser (auth.), Jan S. Tkacz, Lene Lange (eds.), 2004
15 Jahre Medizinische Statistik und Dokumentation: Aspekte eines Fachgebietes
Gustav Wagner (auth.), Prof.Dr. H.-J. Lange, Prof. Dr. J. Michaelis, Prof. Dr. K. Überla (eds.), 1978
A History of Atmospheric CO2 and Its Effects on Plants, Animals, and Ecosystems
Robert A. Berner (auth.), I.T. Baldwin, M.M. Caldwell, G. Heldmaier, Robert B. Jackson, O.L. Lange, H.A. Mooney, E.-D. Schulze, U. Sommer, James R. Ehleringer, M. Denise Dearing, Thure E. Cerling (eds.), 2005
Advances in Self-Organizing Maps and Learning Vector Quantization: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop, WSOM 2014, Mittweida, Germany, July, 2-4, 2014
Thomas Villmann, Frank-Michael Schleif, Marika Kaden, Mandy Lange (eds.), 2014