کتاب های Dong Hwa Choi (editor)

Psyche and Soma: Physicians and Metaphysicians on the Mind-Body Problem from Antiquity to Enlightenment
John P. Wright (editor), Paul Potter (editor), 2000
Advances in Systems Engineering: Select Proceedings of NSC 2019 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
V. H. Saran (editor), Rakesh Kumar Misra (editor), 2021
Neuropsychoanalysis of the Inner Mind: A Biological Understanding of Human Mental Function
Teodosio Giacolini (editor), Cristiana Pirrongelli (editor), 2021
Jackson Pollock: New Approaches
T.J. Clark, James Coddington, Jeremy Lewison, Carol Mancusi-Ungaro, Anne Wagner, Robert Storr, Rosalind Krauss, Pepe Karmel (editor), Kirk Varnedoe (editor), 2002
Heritage Movements in Asia: Cultural Heritage Activism, Politics, and Identity
Ali Mozaffari (editor), Tod Jones (editor), 2019
Infrastructural Lives: Urban Infrastructure in Context
Stephen Graham (editor), Colin McFarlane (editor), 2014
Selections from Cicero Pro Milone: An Edition for Intermediate Students
Robert West (editor), Lynn Fotheringham (editor), 2019
The Human-Animal Boundary: Exploring the Line in Philosophy and Fiction
Nandita Batra (editor), Mario Wenning (editor), 2019
The Human-Animal Boundary: Exploring the Line in Philosophy and Fiction
Nandita Batra (editor), Mario Wenning (editor), 2019
Personal Effects: Essays on Memoir, Teaching, and Culture in the Work of Louise DeSalvo
Nancy Caronia (editor), Edvige Giunta (editor), 2014
Haunted Landscapes: Super-Nature and the Environment
Ruth Heholt (editor), Niamh Downing (editor), 2016
The Democratic Arts of Mourning: Political Theory and Loss
Alexander Keller Hirsch (editor), David W. McIvor (editor), 2019
The Democratic Arts of Mourning: Political Theory and Loss
Alexander Keller Hirsch (editor), David W. McIvor (editor), 2019
Next-Generation Applications and Implementations of Gamification Systems
Filipe Portela (editor), Ricardo Queirós (editor), 2021
Northern Ireland after the troubles: A society in transition
Colin Coulter (editor), Michael Murray (editor), 2008
Handbook of Research on Resident and Tourist Perspectives on Travel Destinations
Patrícia Pinto (editor), Manuela Guerreiro (editor), 2020
Interpretive Ethnography of Education at Home and Abroad
George Spindler (editor), Louise Spindler (editor), 1987
The Confederados: Old South Immigrants in Brazil
Cyrus B. Dawsey (editor), James M. Dawsey (editor), 1998
Constructing International Law: The Birth of a Discipline
Luigi Nuzzo (editor), Miloš Vec (editor), 2012
The Greek Military Dictatorship: Revisiting a Troubled Past, 1967–1974
Othon Anastasakis (editor), Katerina Lagos (editor), 2021
Educators Queering Academia: Critical Memoirs
sj Miller (editor), Nelson M. Rodriguez (editor), 2016
"Covenant Keeper": Derrick Bell’s Enduring Education Legacy
Gloria Ladson-Billings (editor), William Tate (editor), 2016
Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa
Henri Medard (editor), Shane Doyle (editor), 2007
Le categorie del «politico»
Carl Schmitt, Gianfranco Miglio (editor), Pierangelo Schiera (editor), 1972