کتاب های Dorothy L. Rosenthal Md Fiac

Atlas of Gynecologic Cytopathology: with Histopathologic Correlations
Christopher J. VandenBussche MDPhD, Syed Z. Ali MDFRCPathFIAC, Dorothy L. Rosenthal MDFIAC, Russell Vang MD, 2015
Cytologic Detection of urothelial lesions
Dorothy Rosenthal, 2005
Cytologic Detection of Urothelial Lesions
Dorothy L. Rosenthal MD, 2006
Cytologic Detection of Urothelial Lesions (Essentials in Cytopathology)
Dorothy L. Rosenthal, 2005
The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology
Dorothy L. Rosenthal, 2016
Atlas of Pulmonary Cytopathology
Syed Ameer Ali; Anil Parwani; Yener Erozan; Dorothy Rosenthal, 2017
The Paris system for reporting urinary cytology
Eva M. Wojcik (editor); Dorothy L. Rosenthal (editor); Daniel F. I. Kurtycz (editor), 2016
The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology
Eva M. Wojcik (editor), Daniel F.I. Kurtycz (editor), Dorothy L. Rosenthal (editor), 2022