کتاب های Douglas James Gelb

Essentials of Stem Cell Biology
Robert Lanza, John Gearhart, Brigid Hogan, Douglas Melton, Roger Pedersen, E. Donnall Thomas, James Thomson, Michael West, 2005
Essentials of Stem Cell Biology
Robert Lanza, John Gearhart, Brigid Hogan, Douglas Melton, Roger Pedersen, E. Donnall Thomas, James Thomson, Michael West, 2006
Essentials of Stem Cell Biology, Second Edition
Robert Lanza, John Gearhart, Brigid Hogan, Douglas Melton, Roger Pederson, E. Donnall Thomas, James Thomson, Sir Ian Wilmut, 2009
Frequency Domain Properties of Scalar and Multivariable Feedback Systems
James Scott Freudenberg, Douglas Paul Looze (eds.), 1988
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry
Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch, 2013
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry
Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch, 2013
Fundamentals of Logistics Management (The Irwin/Mcgraw-Hill Series in Marketing)
Douglas Lambert, James R Stock, Lisa M. Ellram, 1997
Fundamentos de Química Analítica
Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch
Godel's Proof
Ernest Nagel, James R. Newman, Douglas R. Hofstadter, 2001
Godel's Proof
Ernest Nagel, James R. Newman, Douglas R. Hofstadter, 2001
Godel's Proof
Ernest Nagel, James R. Newman, Douglas R. Hofstadter, 2001
Godel's Proof, Revised Edition
Ernest Nagel, James R. Newman, Douglas R. Hofstadter, 2001
Handbook of Stem Cells, Two-Volume Set: Volume 1-Embryonic Stem Cells; Volume 2-Adult & Fetal Stem Cells
Robert Lanza, Irving Weissman, James Thomson, Roger Pedersen, Brigid Hogan, John Gearhart, Helen Blau, Douglas Melton, Malcolm Moore, Catherine Verfaillie, E. Donnall Thomas, Michael West, 2004
Handbook of Stem Cells, Two-Volume Set: Volume 1-Embryonic Stem Cells; Volume 2-Adult & Fetal Stem Cells (v. 1)
Robert Lanza, Irving Weissman, James Thomson, Roger Pedersen, Brigid Hogan, John Gearhart, Helen Blau, Douglas Melton, Malcolm Moore, Catherine Verfaillie, E. Donnall Thomas, Michael West, 2004
Hate on the state : how British libraries encourage Islamic extremism
James Brandon & Douglas Murray.
Healthcare Information Management Systems: A Practical Guide
Edward L. Anderson (auth.), Marion J. Ball, Donald W. Simborg, James W. Albright, Judith V. Douglas (eds.), 1995
Healthcare Information Management Systems: A Practical Guide
Edward H. Shortliffe (auth.), Marion J. Ball, Robert I. O’Desky, Judith V. Douglas, James W. Albright (eds.), 1991
Henderson's Orbital Tumors
James A Garrity, John Warren Henderson, J. Douglas Cameron,, 2006
Il Caos
Casati, Giulio (ed.) James P. Crutchfield, J. Doyne Farmer, Norman H. Packard,Douglas R. Hofstadter, A. K. Dewdney, Gregory J. Chaitin (auth), 1991
Instructor's Solutions Manual to Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry
Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch, 2013
Instrumentelle Analytik: Grundlagen — Geräte — Anwendungen
Douglas A. Skoog, James J. Leary (auth.), 1996
International Business Finance
Douglas Wood, James Byrne (auth.), 1981
Ion Chromatography
James S. Fritz, Douglas T. Gjerde, 2009
Ion Chromatography, Fourth Edition
Prof. James S. Fritz, Dr. Douglas T. Gjerde(auth.), 2009