کتاب های Dr Fitzpatrick

Οι σύμβουλοι του Στάλιν. Τα επικίνδυνα χρόνια της σοβιετικής πολιτικής
Sheila Fitzpatrick, 2018
Young People in Care and Criminal Behaviour
Claire Fitzpatrick, 2006
"White Russians, Red Peril": A Cold War History of Migration to Australia
Sheila Fitzpatrick, 2021
El Clasico: Barcelona v Real Madrid: Football's Greatest Rivalry
Richard Fitzpatrick, 2012
The Great Earthquake Experiment: Risk Communication And Public Action
Dennis Mileti; Colleen Fitzpatrick, 1993
Excavations at Billingborough, Lincolnshire, 1975-8: A Bronze-Iron Age Settlement and Salt-Working Site
Peter Chowne, Rosamund M. J. Cleal, Andrew P. Fitzpatrick, Phil Andrews, 2001
Joan FitzPatrick Dean, 2021
The Free Market and the Human Condition : Essays on Economics and Culture
Lee Trepanier; Jeremy Beer; Bryce Christensen; Kirk Fitzpatrick; Pamela Hood; William H. Krieger; Peter McNamara; Emily Sullivan; Lee Trepanier, 2014
The Fall and the Ascent of Man : How Genesis Supports Darwin
Joseph Fitzpatrick, 2011
Managing Archaeological Collections in Middle Eastern Countries : A Good Practice Guide
Dianne Fitzpatrick, 2016
Lonely Planet Botswana & Namibia 5 (Travel Guide)
Mary Fitzpatrick, Narina Exelby, Sarah Kingdom, Melanie van Zyl, 2023
Tanzania, Zanzibar & Pemba
Mary Fitzpatrick, 1999
Foucault and Law
Ben Golder, Peter Fitzpatrick (editor), 2010
Landscapes of the Learned : Placing Gaelic Literati in Irish Lordships 1300-1600
Elizabeth FitzPatrick;, 2023