کتاب های Dr. Gerrit Marx

From Darkness Unto Light: Joseph Smith’s Translation and Publication of the Book of Mormon
Michael Hubbard Mackay & Gerrit J. Dirkmaat [Mackay, Michael Hubbard & Dirkmaat, Gerrit J.], 2015
Plasma physics: confinement, transport and collective effects
U. Schumacher (auth.), Priv-Doz. Dr. Andreas Dinklage, Professor Dr. Thomas Klinger, Dr. Gerrit Marx, Professor Dr. Lutz Schweikhard (eds.), 2005
Plasma Physics: Confinement, Transport and Collective Effects
U. Schumacher (auth.), Priv-Doz. Dr. Andreas Dinklage, Professor Dr. Thomas Klinger, Dr. Gerrit Marx, Professor Dr. Lutz Schweikhard (eds.), 2005
Plasma Physics: Confinement, Transport and Collective Effects
U. Schumacher (auth.), Priv-Doz. Dr. Andreas Dinklage, Professor Dr. Thomas Klinger, Dr. Gerrit Marx, Professor Dr. Lutz Schweikhard (eds.), 2005
Plasma Physics: Confinement, Transport and Collective Effects
U. Schumacher (auth.), Priv-Doz. Dr. Andreas Dinklage, Professor Dr. Thomas Klinger, Dr. Gerrit Marx, Professor Dr. Lutz Schweikhard (eds.), 2005
Business Process Management: Models, Techniques, and Empirical Studies
Gerrit K. Janssens, Jan Verelst, Bart Weyn (auth.), Wil van der Aalst, Jörg Desel, Andreas Oberweis (eds.), 2000
Managing the Prenatal Environment to Enhance Livestock Productivity
Paul L. Greenwood, Andrew N. Thompson, Stephen P. Ford (auth.), Paul L. Greenwood, Alan W. Bell, Philip E. Vercoe, Gerrit J. Viljoen (eds.), 2010
Managing the Prenatal Environment to Enhance Livestock Productivity
Paul L. Greenwood, Andrew N. Thompson, Stephen P. Ford (auth.), Paul L. Greenwood, Alan W. Bell, Philip E. Vercoe, Gerrit J. Viljoen (eds.), 2010
1996 International Symposium on Bacterial Polyhydroxyalkanoates
Gerrit Eggink, National Research Council Canada, 1997
Chemometrics and Species Identification
Carla Armanino, Michele Forina, Philip H.E. Gardiner, E.J. van den Heuvel, Gerrit Kateman, Silvia Lanteri, H.C. Smit, Bernard G.M. Vandeginste, 1987
Chemometrics and Species Identification (Topics in Current Chemistry)
Carla Armanino, Michele Forina, Philip H.E. Gardiner, E.J. van den Heuvel, Gerrit Kateman, Silvia Lanteri, H.C. Smit, Bernard G.M. Vandeginste, 1987
Sustainability in America's Cities: Creating the Green Metropolis
Matt Slavin Dr., Ralph Bennett, Douglas Codiga, Nevin Cohen, Christopher De Sousa, Jonathan Fink, Amy Gardner, Aaron Golub, Jason Henderson, Gerrit Knaap, Lynn Mandarano, P. Timon McPhearson, Jennifer Obadia, Kent E. Portney, Madlen Simon, Kent Snyder, Cari Jean Varner, Jason Zeller, 2011
Historical Disasters in Context: Science, Religion, and Politics
Andrea Janku, Gerrit Schenk, Franz Mauelshagen, 2011
Partnerships For Smart Growth: University Community Collaboration For Better Public Places (Cities and Contemporary Society)
Wim Wiewel, Gerrit Knaap, 2005
Progress in Radiopharmacy
W. C. Eckelman (auth.), P. August Schubiger, Gerrit Westera (eds.), 1992
Building Bridges: HCI, Visualization, and Non-formal Modeling: IFIP WG 13.7 Workshops on Human–Computer Interaction and Visualization: 7th HCIV@ECCE 2011, Rostock, Germany, August 23, 2011, and 8th HCIV@INTERACT 2011, Lisbon, Portugal, September 5, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Achim Ebert, Gerrit C. van der Veer, Gitta Domik, Nahum D. Gershon, Inga Scheler (eds.), 2014
Lehrbuch der Bauphysik: Schall - Wärme - Feuchte - Licht - Brand - Klima
Peter Häupl, Martin Homann, Christian Kölzow, Olaf Riese, Anton Maas, Gerrit Höfker, Christian Nocke (auth.), Wolfgang Willems (eds.), 2013
Early, rapid and sensitive veterinary molecular diagnostics - real time PCR applications
Erika Pestana, Sandor Belak, Adama Diallo, John R. Crowther, Gerrit J. Viljoen (auth.), 2010
Early, rapid and sensitive veterinary molecular diagnostics - real time PCR applications
Erika Pestana, Sandor Belak, Adama Diallo, John R. Crowther, Gerrit J. Viljoen (auth.), 2010
Molecular Diagnostic PCR Handbook
Gerrit J. Viljoen, Louis H. Nel, John R. Crowther, 2005
Betriebstypenprofilierung und Erlebnishandel: Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel des textilen Facheinzelhandels
Dr. Gerrit Heinemann (auth.), 1990
Optimal Control of Greenhouse Cultivation
Gerrit van Straten, E.J. van Henten, L.G. van Willigenburg, R.J.C. van Ooteghem, 2010
Optimal Control of Greenhouse Cultivation
Gerrit van Straten, E.J. van Henten, L.G. van Willigenburg, R.J.C. van Ooteghem, 2010
Guidelines for the Control and Monitoring of Methane Gas on Continuous Mining Operations
Taylor, Charles D.; Chilton, J. Emery; Goodman, Gerrit V.R.