کتاب های Dr. Joa Bauer

Perspectives on Henri Lefebvre Theory Practices and (Re) Readings
Jenny Bauer, Robert Fischer, 2019
Vilcabamba and the archaeology of Inca resistance
Bauer, Brian S.; Fonseca Santa Cruz, Javier; Silva, Miriam Aráoz, 2015
Yet Another Introduction to Dark Matter
Martin Bauer (Author), Tilman Plehn (Author), 2019
It’s teatime, my dear!
Bill Bryson; Thomas Bauer, 2017
An Inca Account of the Conquest of Peru
Diego de Castro Yupangui, Ralph Bauer, 2005
Ligeti’s Laments: Nostalgia, Exoticism, and the Absolute
Amy Bauer, 2011
New Directions in Museum Ethics
Janet Marstine, Alexander Bauer, Chelsea Haines, 2013
The Peasant Production of Opium in Nineteenth-Century India
Bauer, Rolf, 2019
Principles of Management
Talya Bauer, Berrin Erdogan, and Jeremy Short
»Arbeit«, »Volk«, »Gemeinschaft«: Ethik und Ethiken im Nationalsozialismus
Fritz Bauer Institut, Werner Konitzer, David Palme (eds.), 2016
Lean Computing for the Cloud
Eric Bauer, 2016
Lincoln: Angelbound Book 2 with bonus novella, Duty Bound
Bauer, Christina, 2019
Juegue la Escandinava
Bauer Christian, 2011
The Use of Signing Space in a Shared Sign Language of Australia
Anastasia Bauer, 2014
Oldenburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie 2017/2018
Alexander Max Bauer, Nils Baratella (eds.), 2019
Staging Women’s Lives in Academia: Gendered Life Stages in Language and Literature Workplaces
Michelle A. Massé and Nan Bauer-Maglin, 2017
The History of the Medieval World: From the Conversion of Constantine to the First Crusade
Susan Wise Bauer, 2010
Ölhydraulik: Grundlagen, Bauelemente, Anwendungen
Gerhard Bauer, 2016
The Oxford Handbook of Leader-Member Exchange
Talya N. Bauer, Berrin Erdogan, 2015