کتاب های Dr. P. H. Francis West

Pottenger's Cats
Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD, 1983
Culture/Metaculture (New Critical Idiom)
Francis Mulhern, 2000
GIS Applications in Agriculture
Francis J. Pierce, David Clay, 2007
Timothy Francis Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, George A. Koopman, 1991
L'Héritage païen de la Russie, tome 1: Le Paysan et son univers symbolique
Francis Conte, 1997
State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century
Francis Fukuyama, 2004
Critical Choices. The United Nations, Networks, and the Future of Global Governance
Wolfgang H. Reinicke, Francis Deng, Jan Martin Witte, Thorsten Benner, Beth Whitaker, John Gershman, 2000
Critical Choices. The United Nations, Networks, and the Future of Global Governance
Wolfgang H. Reinicke, Francis Deng, Jan Martin Witte, Thorsten Benner, Beth Whitaker, John Gershman, 2000
Francis Bacon: The New Organon
Francis Bacon, Lisa Jardine, Michael Silverthorne, 2000
A Century of Nobel Prize Recipients. Chemistry, Physics and Medicine
Francis Leroy, 2003
A Century of Nobel Prize Recipients: Chemistry, Physics, and Medicine
Francis Leroy, 2003
An Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics
Francis LeBlanc, 2010
Cosmologie : Des fondements théoriques aux observations (Broché)
Cosmologie : Des fondements théoriques aux observations (Broché)
The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics (Blackwell Philosophy Guides)
Leslie P. Francis, Anita Silvers, Rosamond Rhodes, Frances M. Kamm, Kenneth Kipnis, Robert T. Pennock, Julian Savulescu, 2007
Introductory readings in geographic information systems
Marble, Duane Francis; Peuquet, Donna J, 1990
Introductory readings in geographic information systems
Marble, Duane Francis; Peuquet, Donna J, 1990
Hospitality Marketing: An Introduction
David Bowie, Francis Buttle, 2004
Cultural Resource Management in Contemporary Society: Perspectives on Managing & Presenting the Past
Alf Hatton, Francis P. MacManamon, 1999
Solutions Manual for Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds
Robert M. Silverstein, Francis X. Webster, David Kiemle, 2005
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A. Structure and Mechanisms
Francis A. Carey, Richard J. Sundberg, 2007
Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B. Reactions and Synthesis
Francis A. Carey, Richard J. Sundberg, 2007