کتاب های Dr. Rainer Palm

Robot Intelligence: An Advanced Knowledge Processing Approach
Alexander Skoglund, Boyko Iliev, Rainer Palm (auth.), Honghai Liu, Dongbing Gu, Robert J. Howlett, Yonghuai Liu (eds.), 2010
Model Based Fuzzy Control: Fuzzy Gain Schedulers and Sliding Mode Fuzzy Controllers
Dr. Rainer Palm, Dr. Hans Hellendoorn, Prof. Dr. Dimiter Driankov (auth.), 1997
Robot Intelligence: An Advanced Knowledge Processing Approach
Alexander Skoglund, Boyko Iliev, Rainer Palm (auth.), Honghai Liu, Dongbing Gu, Robert J. Howlett, Yonghuai Liu (eds.), 2010
Handwörterbuch der Volkswirtschaft
Rolf Rettig, Friedrich Golter, Eduard Mändle, Ursula Engelen-Kefer, Reinhard Blasig, Werner Glastetter, Hermann Schubnell, Gerhard Brinkmann, Werner Oehler, Rainer Thoss, O.-Ernst Starke, Wolfgang Mansfeld, Hermann Adam, Rainer Skiba, Wilhelm Krelle, Günter Sandermann, Ulrich Engelmann, Wolfgang Pieper, Klaus Mackscheidt, Guy Kirsch, Heinz Dieter Hessler, Hans G. Schachtschabel, Eugen Paul, Wim Kösters, Werner H. Hoyer, Theo Thiemeyer, Hans-Werner Winter, Werner Wilhelm Engelhardt, Günter Ebert,, 1978
Datenaustausch in der Anlagenplanung mit AutomationML: Integration von CAEX, PLCopen XML und COLLADA
Dirk Weidemann, Rainer Drath (auth.), Rainer Draht (eds.), 2010
Datenaustausch in der Anlagenplanung mit AutomationML: Integration von CAEX, PLCopen XML und COLLADA
Dirk Weidemann, Rainer Drath (auth.), Rainer Draht (eds.), 2010
Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling: 12th International Conference, BPMDS 2011, and 16th International Conference, EMMSAD 2011, held at CAiSE 2011, London, UK, June 20-21, 2011. Proceedings
Rainer Schmidt (auth.), Ilia Bider, Terry Halpin, John Krogstie, Selmin Nurcan, Erik Proper, Rainer Schmidt, Pnina Soffer, Stanisław Wrycza (eds.), 2011
Biosystems Engineering II: Linking Cellular Networks and Bioprocesses
Rainer Krull, Christiana Cordes, Harald Horn, Ingo Kampen (auth.), Christoph Wittmann, Rainer Krull (eds.), 2010
Tropospheric Modelling and Emission Estimation: Chemical Transport and Emission Modelling on Regional, Global and Urban Scales
Prof. Dr. Adolf Ebel, Dr. Rainer Friedrich, Prof. Henning Rodhe (auth.), Prof. Dr. Adolf Ebel, Dr. Rainer Friedrich, Prof. Henning Rodhe (eds.), 1997
One-parameter Semigroups of Positive Operators
Wolfgang Arendt, Annette Grabosch, Günther Greiner, Ulrich Moustakas, Rainer Nagel, Ulf Schlotterbeck, Ulrich Groh, Heinrich P. Lotz, Frank Neubrander (auth.), Rainer Nagel (eds.), 1986
One-parameter Semigroups of Positive Operators
Wolfgang Arendt, Annette Grabosch, Günther Greiner, Ulrich Groh, Heinrich P. Lotz, Ulrich Moustakas, Frank Neubrander, Ulf Schlotterbeck, Rainer Nagel, Rainer Nagel, 1986
Computational Mathematics Driven by Industrial Problems: Lectures given at the 1st Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Martina Franca, Italy, June 21–27, 1999
Rainer E. Burkard (auth.), Rainer E. Burkard, Antony Jameson, Gilbert Strang, Peter Deuflhard, Jacques-Louis Lions, Vincenzo Capasso, Jacques Periaux, Heinz W. Engl (eds.), 2000
Freiraum und Naturschutz: Die Wirkungen von Störungen und Zerschneidungen in der Landschaft
Hermann Baier, Frithjof Erdmann, Rainer Holz, Reinhard Klenke, Arno Waterstraat (auth.), Hermann Baier, Dr. Frithjof Erdmann, Dr. Rainer Holz, Dr. Arno Waterstraat (eds.), 2006
Multimodal Technologies for Perception of Humans: First International Evaluation Workshop on Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships, CLEAR 2006, Southampton, UK, April 6-7, 2006, Revised Selected Papers
Rainer Stiefelhagen, Keni Bernardin, Rachel Bowers, John Garofolo, Djamel Mostefa (auth.), Rainer Stiefelhagen, John Garofolo (eds.), 2007
Digital Airborne Camera: Introduction and Technology
Dr. Rainer Sandau (auth.), Rainer Sandau (eds.), 2010
Digital Airborne Camera: Introduction and Technology
Dr. Rainer Sandau (auth.), Rainer Sandau (eds.), 2010
Digital Airborne Camera: Introduction and Technology
Dr. Rainer Sandau (auth.), Rainer Sandau (eds.), 2010
Handbook of Business Communication
Gerlinde Mautner, Franz Rainer, Gerlinde Mautner, Franz Rainer, 2017
Educación, Identidad y Derechos como estrategias de desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas. II Decenio de los Pueblos Indígenas
Rainer Gehrig, Práxedes Muñoz (eds.), José Sesé, Philipp Altmann, María Vitón, Patricia Gutiérrez, Yulianna Córdoba, Práxedes Muñoz, Jaime Mondragón, Isabel Miranda, Jacinta Toribio, María Méndez, Susana Ardanaz, Daniel Martínez, Cecilia de la Cruz, Lucina Martínez, Ruperto Hernández, Verónica Ruiz, Inmaculada Zango, Rainer Gehrig, Daniel de la Traba (auts.), 2015
Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy: International Perspectives
Veiko Lember, Rainer Kattel, Tarmo Kalvet (auth.), Veiko Lember, Rainer Kattel, Tarmo Kalvet (eds.), 2014
Prof. Dr. Rainer Macholz, Dr. sc. Hans Jochen Lewerenz (auth.), Prof. Dr. Rainer Macholz, Dr. sc. Hans Jochen Lewerenz (eds.), 1989
Bevölkerungslehre und Bevölkerungspolitik im „Dritten Reich“
Rainer Mackensen (auth.), Rainer Mackensen (eds.), 2004