کتاب های Dr. Rer. Nat. J. H. Winter (auth.)

Fortschritte der Hochpolymeren-Forschung
Dr. rer. nat. J. H. Winter (auth.), 1967
Cooperativity Theory in Biochemistry: Steady-State and Equilibrium Systems
K. Winter, J. A. C. Smith (auth.), Dr. Klaus Winter, Dr. J. Andrew C. Smith (eds.), 1985
Agriculture: People and Policies
Graham Cox, Philip Lowe, Michael Winter (auth.), Graham Cox, Philip Lowe, Michael Winter (eds.), 1986
Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: Textbook And Atlas
Harland S. Winter, Harland S. Winter, M. Stephen, M.D. Murphy, Jean Francois, M.D. Mougenot, Samy, M.D. Cadranel, 2005
Η βιβλιοθηκάριος της Βασόρας : Μια αληθινή ιστορία από το Ιράκ
Jeanette Winter μετάφραση: Γιάννης Παπαδόπουλος εικονογράφηση: Jeanette Winter
The Cambridge History of the First World War: Volume 1, Global War
Jay Winter [Winter, Jay], 2014
The Cambridge History of the First World War: Volume 2, The State
Jay Winter [Winter, Jay], 2014
The Cambridge History of the First World War: Volume 3, Civil Society
Jay Winter [Winter, Jay], 2014
Cognitive Contact Linguistics: Placing Usage, Meaning and Mind at the Core of Contact-Induced Variation and Change
Zenner, Eline, Backus, Ad, Winter-Froemel, Esme, Esme Zenner, Eline / Backus, Ad / Winter-Froemel (editor), 2018
Cardiac Pacemakers: Diagnostic Options · Dual Chamber Pacing Rate Responsive Pacing · Antitachycardia Pacing
P. Attuel M.D., A. Ripart, J. Mugica (auth.), D. W. Behrenbeck, E. Sowton, G. Fontaine, U. J. Winter (eds.), 1985
Neutrino Mass
Boris Kayser (auth.), Klaus Winter, Guido Altarelli (eds.), 2003
MicroRNA and Cancer: Methods and Protocols
Julia Winter, Sven Diederichs (auth.), Wei Wu (eds.), 2011
MicroRNA and Cancer: Methods and Protocols
Julia Winter, Sven Diederichs (auth.), Wei Wu (eds.), 2011
Auf digitalen Pfaden: Die Kulturen von Hackern, Programmierern, Crackern und Spielern
Roland Eckert, Waldemar Vogelgesang, Thomas A. Wetzstein, Rainer Winter (auth.), 1991
Particle Induced Electron Emission II
D. Hasselkamp (auth.), Dr. Dietmar Hasselkamp, Dr. Hermann Rothard, Professor Dr. Karl-Ontjes Groeneveld, Dr. Jürgen Kemmler, Dr. Peter Varga, Professor Dr. Hannspeter Winter (eds.), 1992
Particle Induced Electron Emission II
D. Hasselkamp (auth.), Dr. Dietmar Hasselkamp, Dr. Hermann Rothard, Professor Dr. Karl-Ontjes Groeneveld, Dr. Jürgen Kemmler, Dr. Peter Varga, Professor Dr. Hannspeter Winter (eds.), 1992
Fortschritte der Arzneimittelforschung / Progress in Drug Research / Progrès des recherches pharmaceutiques
Dr. R. G. Denkewalter, Dr. M. Tishler, Prof. Dr. G. Ehrhart, Dr. J. H. Biel, Dr. B. K. B. Lum, Prof. Dr. J. Büchi, Dr. C. A. Winter, Prof. Dr. K. Münzel, Dr. W. Kunz, Prof. Dr. E. J. Ariëns, Dr. F. Labhardt (auth.), Dr. Ernst Jucker (eds.), 1966
Advanced Technologies for Air Traffic Flow Management: Proceedings of an International Seminar Organized by Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) Bonn, Germany, April 1994
(auth.), Heinz Winter, Hans-Gustav Nüßer (eds.), 1994
Employer Branding in der Sozialwirtschaft: Wie Sie als attraktiver Arbeitgeber die richtigen Fachkräfte finden und halten
Cornelia Heider-Winter (auth.), 2014
Plasma for bio-decontamination, medicine and food security
Klaus-Dieter Weltmann, Jörn Winter, Martin Polak, Jörg Ehlbeck, Thomas von Woedtke (auth.), Zdenko Machala, Karol Hensel, Yuri Akishev (eds.), 2012
Plasma for bio-decontamination, medicine and food security
Klaus-Dieter Weltmann, Jörn Winter, Martin Polak, Jörg Ehlbeck, Thomas von Woedtke (auth.), Zdenko Machala, Karol Hensel, Yuri Akishev (eds.), 2012
Lehrbuch der Militärhygiene
O. Muntsch (auth.), W. Asal, E. Baader, F. W. Brekenfeld, E. Danielsen, H. v. Diringshofen, W. Fromme, F. Full, S. Handloser, H. Hetsch, Prof. Dr. W. Hoffmann, C. Jaeckel, F. Jungblut, C. Kersting, W. Kittel, F. Klose, F. Konrich, E. Mascke, W. Mauss, B. Möllers, H. Müller, O. Muntsch, G. Nerlich, W. Osterland, R. Otto, E. Passauer, J. Peltret, H. Rauch, H. Ruge, W. Schreiber, R. Schreiner, O. Schröder, J. Schuster, P. Uhlenhuth, Prof. Dr. A. Waldmann, K. Walther, K. Wenzig, M. Winter, H. Zieman, 1936
Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement, Fourth Edition
David A. Winter(auth.)
Advances in Enterprise Engineering III: 5th International Workshop, CIAO! 2009, and 5th International Workshop, EOMAS 2009, held at CAiSE 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 8-9, 2009. Proceedings
Robert Winter, Anke Gericke, Tobias Bucher (auth.), Antonia Albani, Joseph Barjis, Jan L. G. Dietz (eds.), 2009