کتاب های Dr. Yadolah Dodge

Celebrating statistics: Papers in honour of D.Cox 80th birthday
Anthony C. Davison, Yadolah Dodge, Nanny Wermuth, 2005
Alternative methods of regression
David Birkes, Dr. Yadolah Dodge, 1993
Statistical Data Analysis and Inference
Yadolah Dodge, 1989
Adaptive Regression
Yadolah Dodge, 2000
The Concise Encyclopedia of Statistics
Yadolah Dodge, 2006
Optimisation appliquée
Yadolah Dodge, 2004
Statistique: Dictionnaire encyclopédique
Yadolah Dodge (auth.), 2007
Optimisation appliquée
Yadolah Dodge, 2005
Premiers pas en statistique
Yadolah Dodge (auth.), 2006
The Concise Encyclopedia of Statistics
Yadolah Dodge, 2008