کتاب های E. J. Yoder

One Minute Mysteries 65 More Short Mysteries You Solve With Science
Eric Yoder, Natalie Yoder, 2012
One Minute Mysteries 65 More Short Mysteries You Solve With Science
Eric Yoder, Natalie Yoder, 2012
A Practical Guide to Trusted Computing
David Challener, Kent Yoder, Ryan Catherman, David Safford, Leendert Van Doorn, 2008
A Practical Guide to Trusted Computing
David Challener, Kent Yoder, Ryan Catherman, David Safford, Leendert Van Doorn, 2008
Mounting optics in optical instruments
Yoder P.R.Jr., 2002
The Origins and Characteristics of Anabaptism / Les Debuts et les Caracteristiques de l’Anabaptisme: Proceedings of the Colloquium Organized by the Faculty of Protestant Theology of Strasbourg / Actes du Colloque Organise par la Faculte de Theologie Protestante de Strasbourg (20–22 February / Fevrier 1975)
John H. Yoder (auth.), Marc Lienhard (eds.), 1977
Bridge to Organic Chemistry, The
Claude H. Yoder, Phyllis A. Leber, Marcus W. Thomsen(auth.), 2010
A Declaration on Peace: In God's People the World's Renewal Has Begun
Douglas Gwyn, George Hunsinger, Eugene F. Roop, John Howard Yoder, 1991
Software Architecture: System Design, Development and Maintenance
Joseph W. Yoder, 2002
The Tao of Measurement: A Philosophical View of Flow and Sensors
Jesse Yoder, 2016
VCO-Based Quantizers Using Frequency-to-Digital and Time-to-Digital Converters
Samantha Yoder, 2011
Unrolling Time: Christiaan Huygens and the Mathematization of Nature
Joella G. Yoder, 2004
Unrolling Time: Christiaan Huygens and the Mathematization of Nature
Joella G. Yoder, 2004
Mounting optics in optical instruments
Paul R. Yoder Jr., 2002
Field Guide to Binoculars and Scopes (SPIE Field Guide Vol. FG19)
Paul R. Yoder Jr., 2011
Unrolling time: Christiaan Huygens and the mathematization of nature
Yoder J.G., 1988
Principles of Pavement Design, Second Edition
E. J. Yoder, 1975
Diamond and Diamond-like Films and Coatings
Max N. Yoder (auth.), 1991
Deviance and Inequality in Japan: Japanese Youth and Foreign Migrants
Robert Stuart Yoder, 2011
Observational Measurement of Behavior
Paul Yoder, 2010
Black Spider over Tiegenhof
James D. Yoder, 1995