کتاب های Edited By Hee Kap Ahn

Optical Nanoscopy and Novel Microscopy Techniques
Edited by Peng Xi, 2014
Hinduism and Buddhism (Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts)
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, edited by Keshavaram N. Iengar, 1999
Plant image analysis : fundamentals and applications
edited by S. Dutta Gupta, 2015
Research opportunities in internal auditing
Edited by Andrew D. Bailey, Jr., Audrey A. Gramling,, 2003
Motul de San José: Politics, History, and Economy in a Classic Maya Polity
Edited by Antonia E. Foias, 2012
Scottish Medicine and Literary Culture, 1726-1832
Edited by Megan J. Coyer, 2014
Neutrino Physics
edited by Klaus Winter., 1991
Energy and Environment Engineering and Management
Edited by Paulo Sérgio Duque de Brito, 2010
Bioactive compounds from natural sources : natural products as lead compounds in drug discovery
edited by Corrado Tringali., 2012.
THE ROAD TO SCIENTIFIC SUCCESS Inspiring Life Stories of Prominent Researchers
edited by Deborah D L Chung, 2006
Soft Computing Techniques and its Applications in Electrical Engineering Studies in Computationa
edited by Janusz Kacprzyk, 2008
The Schur Complement and Its Applications (Numerical Methods and Algorithms)
Edited by: FUZHEN ZHANG, 2005
Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments
edited by Janusz Kacprzyk, 2008
Collected papers of G.H. Hardy; including joint papers with J.E. Littlewood and others
edited by a committee appointed by the London Mathematical Society, 1972
Chondrules and Their Origins
edited by Elbert A. King, 1983
The European Union and China, 1949-2008: Basic Documents and Commentary (China and International Economic Law, Volume 3)
Edited by Francis G. Snyder, 2009
Reinforcement Learning
Edited by: Cornelius Weber, Mark Elshaw
Природа фирмы / The Nature of the Firm. Origins, Evolution, and Development
Edited by Oliver E. Williamson, 2001
Reviews in Computational Chemistry
Edited by: Kenny B. Lipkowitz, 1998
Seminar on Triples and Categorical Homology Theory
H.; M. Barr; et al; Edited By A. Dold, 1969
The Mahatma and the Missionary: Selected Writings of Mohandas K. Gandhi
Mohandas K. Gandhi (Edited by Clifford Manshardt), 1949
A laboratory of transpersonal history. Ukraine and recent ukrainian historiography.
Edited by G. Kasianov, 2009