کتاب های Edited By Jing Tao Wang

Accuracy and Reliability in Scientific Computing
Edited by Bo Einarsson, 2005
Accuracy and Reliability in Scientific Computing (Software, Environments, Tools)
Edited by Bo Einarsson, 2005
Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies Modern UWB antennas and equipment
Edited by: Igor Minin
Engineering investigations of hurricane damage : wind versus water
Edited by David B. Peraza, P.E., William L. Coulbourne, Morgan Griffith, P.E., William L. Coulbourne, Morgan Griffith, David B. Peraza, 2014
Engineering investigations of hurricane damage : wind versus water
Edited by David B. Peraza, P.E., William L. Coulbourne, Morgan Griffith, P.E., William L. Coulbourne, Morgan Griffith, David B. Peraza, 2014
Modern Pacemakers - Present and Future
Edited by Mithilesh Kumar Das, 2011
Robotics Automation and Control
Edited by Pavla Pecherkova, Miroslav Flidr and Jindrich Dunik, 2008
Advances in Material Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Edited by Liang Gao, 2011
Industrial Inorganic Pigments
Edited by: Gunter Buxbaum, Gunter Buxbaum, 1998
A family of readers : the book lover's guide to children's and young adult literature
[edited by] Roger Sutton and Martha V. Parravano ; foreword by Gregory Maguire., 2010.
3D Imaging for Safety and Security (Computational Imaging and Vision)
Edited by Andreas Koschan, Marc Pollefeys, Mongi Abidi, 2007
Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery Volume 31
Edited by J.D. Pickard, Cambridge (Editor-in-Chief), N.Akalan,Ankara, C.Di Rocco, Roma, V.V. Dolenc,, 2006
10 health questions about the 10
written by Albena Arnaudova ; edited by Yves Charpak.
Alternatives on media content, journalism, and regulation the grassroots discussion panels at the 2007 ICA Conference
edited by Seeta Peña Gangadharan, Benjamin De Cleen, NIco Carpentier., 2007
A clear differentiation of the three codes : essential distinctions among the individual liberation, great Vehicle, and Tantric Systems : the Sdom gsum rab dbye and six letters
Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltshen ; translated by Jared Douglas Rhoton ; edited by Victoria R. M. Scott., 2002.
Robotics and automation in the maritime industries
edited by J. Aranda, P. Gonzalez de Santos, J.M. de la Cruz.
Hadron models and related new energy issues
edited by F. Smarandache & V. Christianto, 2007
Oxidation of Intermetallics
Edited by: Michael Schutze, Hans Jurgen Grabke, 1998
Steel Heat Treatment Metallurgy and Technologies
edited by German S. Fox-Rabinovich, George E. Totten., 2007
edited, 2006
Psychotic reactions and carburetor dung
by Lester Bangs ; edited by Greil Marcus., 1987
Applied biological engineering : principles and practice
edited by Ganesh R. Naik., 2012.