کتاب های Efrat Ben Ze

Shadows of War: A Social History of Silence in the Twentieth Century
Efrat Ben-Ze"ev, 2010
Valuations, orderings, and Milnor K-theory
Ido Efrat, 2006
Prison Tattoos: A Study of Russian Inmates in Israel
Efrat Shoham (auth.), 2015
The Selberg Trace Formula for Psl2/R/N
Isaac Y. Efrat, 1987
Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism in Turkey: From Ottoman Rule to AKP
Efrat Aviv, 2018
Action Research in Education: A Practical Guide
Sara Efrat Efron; Ruth Ravid, 2013
Neuroradiology Imaging Case Review E-Book
Salvatore V. Labruzzo & Laurie A. Loevner & Efrat Saraf-Lavi & David M. Yousem
Writing the literature review : a practical guide
Efron, Sara Efrat; Ravid, Ruth, 2019
Art, Death and Lacanian Psychoanalysis
Efrat Biberman, Shirley Sharon-Zisser, 2017
Algorithms for Sensor Systems. 10th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Sensor Systems, Wireless Networks and Distributed Robotics, ALGOSENSORS 2014 Wroclaw, Poland, September 12, 2014 Revised Selected Papers
Yanyong Zhang (editor); Jie Gao (editor); Alon Efrat (editor); Sándor P. Fekete (editor), 2015
The Selberg Trace Formula for Psl2/R/N
Isaac Y. Efrat, 1987
Spine Imaging: Case Review Series
Efrat Saraf-Lavi MD, 2013
Self-Efficacy and Success: Narratives of Adults with Disabilities
Erez C. Miller, Efrat Kass, 2023