کتاب های Elena De Ron

Resilience in EU and International Institutions: Redefining Local Ownership in a New Global Governance Agenda
Elena Korosteleva; Trine Flockhart, 2020
Re-Grounding Cosmopolitanism: Towards a Post-Foundational Cosmopolitanism
Tamara Caraus; Elena Paris, 2015
Americanística, Antropología Física, Craneología, osteología, paleopatología, Somatología y Serología. Actas y Memorias del XXXIX Congreso Internacional de Americanistas
Rosalía Avalos de Matos, Rogger Ravines, Niels Fock, Jourdan Atkinson, Francisco Devoto, Alejandro Estrada, Dennis Me Auliffe, Elena Eritta, Robert Brumbaugh, Pedro Weiss H., Brooke Thomas, Beatriz Perrotto, H. Fléischhacker, Mirtha Gerber, Andrzej Wiercinski, 1972
Aspectos cuantitativos de la reforma agraria 1969-1979 (Perú)
José Caballero, Elena Álvarez, 1980
Female Terrorism in America: Past and Current Perspectives
Jonathan Matusitz; Elena Berisha, 2020
Roma Voices in History: A Sourcebook
Elena Marushiakova; Veselin Popov, 2021
White Supremacy, Racism and the Coloniality of Anti-Trafficking
Kamala Kempadoo, Elena Shih, 2022
The Decimation of the Dark Fleet and the Liberation of Terra, A Nonfiction Galactic Anthology
Dr. Michael Salla, Elena Danaan, Commander Thor Han Eredyon, 2021
Xawan: Yoyo ati kirika 3. Texto de lectura en lengua shipibo como L1
Lidia Gonzáles, Sandra Robilliard Ferreyra, Ruperto Fasabi, Jaime Choclote, Elena Burga, 2006
Decimation of the Dark Fleet and the Liberation of Terra, An Nonfiction Galactic Anthology
Michael Salla, Elena Danaan, Commander Thor Han Eredyon, 2021
Herramientas de la mente: el aprendizaje en la infancia desde la perspectiva de Vygotsky
Elena Bodrova; Debora J. Leong, 2004
Psychotherapeutic Competencies: Techniques, Relationships, and Epistemology in Systemic Practice
Laura Fruggeri, Francesca Balestra, Elena Venturelli, 2022
Digital Technologies and Institutions for Sustainable Development
Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Elena G. Popkova, 2022
Comunicazione artificiale. Come gli algoritmi producono intelligenza sociale
Elena Esposito, 2022
Waiting at the Prison Gate: Women, Identity and the Russian Penal System
Judith Pallott; Elena Katz, 2016
How to Sell a Poison: The Rise, Fall, and Toxic Return of DDT
Elena Conis, 2022
Data Analysis for Social Science: A Friendly And Practical Introduction
Elena Llaudet, Kosuke Imai, 2022
Prácticas educativas innovadoras en contabilidad y finanzas
Nora Elena Andrade Rosado; Jaime Rafael Silva Castan; Alicia Fernanda Galindo Manrique; Fernando Florencio Galindo Cantú; Gabriela María Farías Martínez; Vanessa Villarreal Vera; Harmen Simons Bijlsma; Flory Anette Dieck-Assad, 2019
Mass Transport of Nanocarriers
Rita Elena Serda, 2012
Fasciculo 1: Caracterización sociolingüística “Conociendo el uso de lenguas en nuestra comunidad e institución educativa”
Natalia Sullón, Elena Burga, Rosa Mujica, Lucy Trapnell, 2013
Sara y Sunny, su primera aventura
Elena Narvarte Nalda, 2017
The Birth of String Theory
Andrea Cappelli, Elena Castellani, Filippo Colomo, Paolo Di Vecchia (Editors), 2012