کتاب های Elizabeth Clarke (auth.)

Genetic control of self-incompatibility and reproductive development in flowering plants
Ed Newbigin, Marilyn A. Anderson, Adrienne E. Clarke (auth.), Elizabeth G. Williams, Adrienne E. Clarke, R. Bruce Knox (eds.), 1994
Politics, Religion and the Song of Songs in Seventeenth-Century England
Elizabeth Clarke (auth.), 2011
The responsible object : a history of design ideology for the future
Bandoni, Andrea; Canli, Ece De author; Clarke, Alison J.; Forgács, Éva; Helvert, Marjanne van; Henderson, Susan R.; Hinte, Ed van; Martins, Luiza Prado de O.; Miller, Elizabeth Carolyn; Oliveira, Pedro J.S. Vieira de., 2016