کتاب های Elizabeth Jeffreys

Byzantine Papers: Proceedings of the First Australian Byzantine Studies Conference, Canberra, 17-19 May 1978
Elizabeth Jeffreys, Michael Jeffreys, Ann Moffatt (eds.), 2017
The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies (Oxford Handbooks)
Elizabeth Jeffreys, 2009
Digenis Akritis: The Grottaferrata and Escorial Versions (Cambridge Medieval Classics)
Elizabeth Jeffreys, 1998
The Chronicle of John Malalas (Byzantina Australiensia 4)
Elizabeth Jeffreys, 1986
The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies (Oxford Handbooks)
Jeffreys, Elizabeth, 2009
The Age of the Dromon: The Byzantine Navy ca 500-1204
John H. Pryor, Elizabeth M. Jeffreys, 2006
Studies in John Malalas
Elizabeth Jeffreys, 2017
Rhetoric in Byzantium
Elizabeth Jeffreys, 2003
Four Byzantine Novels: Theodore Prodromos, "Rhodanthe and Dosikles"; Eumathios Makrembolites, "Hysmine and Hysminias"; Constantine Manasses, "Aristandros and Kallithea"; Niketas Eugenianos, "Drosilla and Charikles"
Theodore Prodromos, Eumathios Makrembolites, Constantine Manasses, Niketas Eugenianos, Elizabeth Jeffreys (transl.), 2012