کتاب های Enzo Caffarelli

Dimmi come ti chiami e ti dirò perché. Storie di nomi e di cognomi
Enzo Caffarelli, 2013
A geometric approach to free boundary problems
Luis Caffarelli; Sandro Salsa, 2005
A geometric approach to free boundary problems
Luis Caffarelli; Sandro Salsa, 2005
Elliptic and Parabolic Problems : A Special Tribute to the Work of Haim Brezis
Catherine Bandle, Henri Berestycki, Bernhard Brighi, Alain Brillard, Michel Chipot, Jean-Michel Coron, Carlo Sbordone, Itai Shafrir, Vanda Valente, Giorgio Vergara Caffarelli, 2005
Elliptic and Parabolic Problems : A Special Tribute to the Work of Haim Brezis
Catherine Bandle, Henri Berestycki, Bernhard Brighi, Alain Brillard, Michel Chipot, Jean-Michel Coron, Carlo Sbordone, Itai Shafrir, Vanda Valente, Giorgio Vergara Caffarelli, 2005
Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: A Special Tribute to the Work of Haim Brezis
Catherine Bandle, Henri Berestycki, Bernhard Brighi, Alain Brillard, Michel Chipot, Jean-Michel Coron, Carlo Sbordone, Itai Shafrir, Vanda Valente, Giorgio Vergara Caffarelli, 2005
Calculus of variations and nonlinear partial differential equations: lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, June 27-July 2, 2005
Luigi Ambrosio, Luis A. Caffarelli, Michael G. Crandall, Lawrence C. Evans, Nicola Fusco, B. Dacorogna, Paolo Marcellini, E. Mascolo, 2008
Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: A Special Tribute to the Work of Haim Brezis
Andrew Acker (auth.), Catherine Bandle, Henri Berestycki, Bernard Brighi, Alain Brillard, Michel Chipot, Jean-Michel Coron, Carlo Sbordone, Itai Shafrir, Vanda Valente, Giorgio Vergara Caffarelli (eds.), 2005
Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: A Special Tribute to the Work of Haim Brezis
Andrew Acker (auth.), Catherine Bandle, Henri Berestycki, Bernard Brighi, Alain Brillard, Michel Chipot, Jean-Michel Coron, Carlo Sbordone, Itai Shafrir, Vanda Valente, Giorgio Vergara Caffarelli (eds.), 2005
Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: A Special Tribute to the Work of Haim Brezis
Andrew Acker (auth.), Catherine Bandle, Henri Berestycki, Bernard Brighi, Alain Brillard, Michel Chipot, Jean-Michel Coron, Carlo Sbordone, Itai Shafrir, Vanda Valente, Giorgio Vergara Caffarelli (eds.), 2005
Wavelet Theory and Harmonic Analysis in Applied Sciences
Luis A. Caffarelli, 1997
A geometric approach to free boundary problems
Caffarelli L., 2005
The obstacle problem (Publications of the Scuola Normale Superiore)
Luis A. Caffarelli, 1998
The obstacle problem
Luis A. Caffarelli, 1998