کتاب های Erika Pani

Just Enough Research
Erika Hall
Conversational design
Erika Hall; John Maeda, 2018
Signing and Belonging in Nepal
Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway, 2016
Hiding in Plain Sight: Black Women, the Law, and the Making of a White Argentine Republic
Erika Denise Edwards, 2020
The Gods of the Greeks
Erika Simon; Jakob Zeyl; H A Shapiro; Fritz Graf, 2021
Die Aufführung. Diskurs – Macht – Analyse
Erika Fischer-Lichte, Adam Czirak, Torsten Jost, Frank Richarz, Nina Tecklenburg (eds.), 2012
Erika Fatland, 2021
Reinventing Sustainability: How Archaeology can Save the Planet
Erika Guttmann-Bond, 2019
Reinventing Sustainability: How Archaeology can Save the Planet
Erika Guttmann-Bond, 2019
Transformative Aesthetics
Erika Fischer-Lichte and Benjamin Wihstutz, 2018
Oz Behind the Iron Curtain: Aleksandr Volkov and His Magic Land Series
Erika Haber, 2017
Tradução & perspectivas teóricas e práticas
Amorim, Lauro Maia; Rodrigues, Cristina Carneiro; Stupiello, Érika Nogueira de Andrade (orgs.), 2015
Ética profissional na tradução assistida por sistemas de memórias
Stupiello, Érika Nogueira de Andrade, 2015
Just Enough Research, 2nd Edition
Erika Hall, 2019
Design, Applications, and Maintenance of Cyber-Physical Systems
Pierluigi Rea, Erika Ottaviano, José Machado, and Katarzyna Antosz, 2021
Arts Programming for the Anthropocene: Art in Community and Environment
Bill Gilbert; Anicca Cox; Erika Osborne, 2018
Arts Programming for the Anthropocene: Art in Community and Environment
Bill Gilbert; Anicca Cox; Erika Osborne, 2018
Egyperces angol tesztek : kezdőknek és haladóknak
Takács Erika, 2007
Angol társalgási zsebkönyv
Takács Erika, 2007
Travel, Geography, and Empire in Latin Poetry
Micah Young Myers; Erika Zimmermann Damer, 2021
"These Kids Are Out of Control": Why We Must Reimagine "Classroom Management" for Equity
H. Richard Milner IV, Heather B. Cunningham, Lori Delale-O′Connor, Erika Gold Kestenberg, 2018
The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision
Erika Bachiochi, 2021
Escape to Life : Deutsche Literatur im Exil
Erika Mann; Klaus Mann, 2009