کتاب های Esther Bird

Advertising Theory
Shelly Rodgers (editor), Esther Thorson (editor), 2019
Formas sonoras mapa fónico de las lenguas mexicanas ; formas sonoras 1 y 2 ; (acompañado de CD-ROM)
Esther Herrera Zendejas, 2014
Adolfo Jarne Esparcia. Antoni Talarn Caparros. Manuel Armayones Ruiz. Esther Horta i Faja. Elena Requena Varon, 2006
Environmental Expertise: Connecting Science, Policy and Society
Esther Turnhout, Willemijn Tuinstra, Willem Halffman, 2019
Data-Intensive Workflow Management: For Clouds and Data-Intensive and Scalable Computing Environments (Synthesis Lectures on Data Management)
Daniel C. M. de Oliveira, Ji Liu, Esther Pacitti, 2019
Good Economics for Hard Times
Abhijit V. Banerjee; Esther Duflo, 2019
The complete Encyclopedia of Cage and Aviary Birds
Esther Vernoef Verhallen, 2001
Praktiken europäischer Traditionsbildung im Mittelalter: Wissen - Literatur - Mythos
Manfred Eikelmann, Udo Friedrich, Esther Laufer, Michael Schwarzbach (Hrsg.), 2013
History of Agriculture in the Southern United States To 1860
Lewis Cecil Gray; Esther Katherine Thompson (assistant); Henry Charles Taylor (introduction), 1958
History of Agriculture in the Southern United States To 1860
Lewis Cecil Gray; Esther Katherine Thompson (assistant), 1958
I Want You to Know We're Still Here: A Post-Holocaust Memoir
Esther Safran Foer, 2020
Kölenin Mutluluğu
Esther Vilar
God Under my Roof: Celtic Songs and Blessings (Fairacres Publications Book 87)
Esther de Waal, 2019
architecture gothique en Belgique
Buyle Marian,Coomans Thomas,Esther Jan,Genicot Luc, 1991
Women's Voices: Visions and Perspectives
II Hoy, Pat C., Esther H. Schor, Robert Diyanni, 1989
Jacobin Brasil: Marx & Companhia
Allende Renck, André Pagliarini, Alvaro Bianchi, Adrienne Pine, Benjamin Fogel, Ben Cowan, Daniela Mussi, Douglas Rodrigues Barros, Esther Dweck, Enzo Traverso Gabrielle Nascimento, Jones Manoel, James Hermínio, Lincoln Secco, Sonia Guajajara, Isabel Loureiro, Rafael Limongelli and Samuel Silva Borges., 2019
Repensar la pobreza
Abhijit V. Banerjee & Esther Duflo, 2011
Fundamentos de marketing
Philip Kotler; Gary M. Armstrong; Lourdes Amador Araujo; Leticia Esther Pineda Ayala, 2017
Aprendizaje organizacional
Francisco Javier Carrillo Gamboa; Laura Esther Zapata Cantú, 2011
Psicología de la educación
John W. Santrock; Leticia Esther Pineda Ayala; María Elena Ortiz Salinas, 2006
Investigación de mercados : conceptos esenciales
Naresh K. Malhotra; Leticia Esther Pineda Ayala, 2016
G William Daub; Esther Fernández Alvarado; William S. Seese, 2005
Arcadio de la Cruz Rodríguez, María Esther de la Cruz Pérez, 2006