کتاب های Et Al S. H. Lin (editor)

Innovating in the Open Lab: The new potential for interactive value creation across organizational boundaries
Albrecht Fritzsche (editor); Julia M. Jonas (editor); Angela Roth (editor); Kathrin M. Möslein (editor), 2020
Education Materialised: Reconstructing Teaching and Learning Contexts through Manuscripts
Stefanie Brinkmann (editor); Giovanni Ciotti (editor); Stefano Valente (editor); Eva Maria Wilden (editor), 2021
Integrated Green Energy Solutions
Milind Shrinivas Dangate (editor), W. S. Sampath (editor), O. V. Gnana Swathika (editor), Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban (editor), 2023
Strafverfolgung in Wirtschaftsstrafsachen: Strukturen und Motive
Eberhard Kempf (editor); Klaus Lüderssen (editor); Klaus Volk (editor); et. al. (editor), 2015
L'Art Medieval Est-Il Contemporain?: Is Medieval Art Contemporary? (Reinterpreting the Middle Ages, 1)
Charlotte Denoel (editor), Larisa Dryansky (editor), Erik Verhagen (editor), Isabelle Marchesin (editor), 2023
Strafverfolgung in Wirtschaftsstrafsachen: Strukturen und Motive
Eberhard Kempf (editor); Klaus Lüderssen (editor); Klaus Volk (editor); et. al. (editor), 2015
Sustainable Civil Engineering: Principles and Applications
Varinder S. Kanwar (editor), Sanjay Kumar Shukla (editor), Siby John (editor), Harpreet Singh Kandra (editor), 2023
TSRA Operative Dictations in Cardiothoracic Surgery
David D. Odell, Damien J. LaPar, Shawn S Groth (editor), Michael P Robich (editor), Muhammd Aftab (editor), Ernest G. Chan (editor), 2014
Deutschsprachige jüdische Migration nach Schweden: 1774 bis 1945
Olaf Glöckner (editor); Helmut Müssener (editor); Lars M. Andersson (editor); Lena Roos (editor), 2017
Towards a History of Egyptology: Proceedings of the Egyptological Section of the 8th Eshs Conference in London, 2018 (Investigatio Orientis)
Hana Navratilova (editor), Thomas L Gertzen (editor), Aidan Dodson (editor), Andrew Bednarski (editor), 2019
Integrated Green Energy Solutions, Volume 2
Milind Shrinivas Dangate (editor), W. S. Sampath (editor), O. V. Gnana Swathika (editor), Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban (editor), 2023
Von Syrien bis Georgien – durch die Steppen Vorderasiens: Festschrift für Felix Blocher anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstages
Michael Herles (editor), Claudia Beuger (editor), Jörg Becker (editor), Simone Arnhold (editor), 2022
The Bell Beaker Culture in All Its Forms: Proceedings of the 22nd Meeting of 'archeologie Et Gobelets' 2021, Geneva, Switzerland
Claudine Abegg (editor), Delia Carloni (editor), Florian Cousseau (editor), Eve Derenne (editor), 2022
Up and Down the Nile – ägyptologische Studien für Regine Schulz: Egyptological Studies for Regine Schulz
Martina Ullmann (editor), Gabriele Pieke (editor), Friedhelm Hoffmann (editor), Christian Bayer (editor)
Handbook of Constructive Mathematics
Douglas Bridges (editor), Hajime Ishihara (editor), Michael Rathjen (editor), Helmut Schwichtenberg (editor), 2023
Brentano and the Positive Philosophy of Comte and Mill: With Translations of Original Writings on Philosophy as Science by Franz Brentano
Ion Tănăsescu (editor); Alexandru Bejinariu (editor); Susan Krantz Gabriel (editor); Constantin Stoenescu (editor), 2022
Agile Leadership for Industry 4.0: An Indispensable Approach for the Digital Era
Tanusree Chakraborty (editor), Tahir Mumtaz Awan (editor), Ashok Natarajan (editor), Muhammad Kamran (editor), 2023
Modernity: An Introduction to Modern Societies
Stuart Hall (editor), David Held (editor), Don Hubert (editor), Kenneth Thompson (editor), 1996
Pilgrimage in the Christian Balkan World: The Path to Touch the Sacred and Holy
Dorina Dragnea (editor), Emmanouil Ger Varvounis (editor), Evelyn Reuter (editor), Susan Sorek (editor), 2023
Advanced Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks
Ashish Bagwari (editor), Geetam Singh Tomar (editor), Jyotshana Bagwari (editor), Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa (editor), 2023
Investmentgesetze: Band 3 §§ 214 - 360 KAGB
Jürgen Baur (editor); Falko Tappen (editor); Elnaz Mehrkhah (editor); Caspar Behme (editor), 2019
Augmented and Virtual Reality in Industry 5.0
Richa Goel (editor); Sukanta Kumar Baral (editor); Tapas Mishra (editor); Vishal Jain (editor), 2023
Investmentgesetze: Band 1 §§ 1 - 90 KAGB
Jürgen Baur (editor); Falko Tappen (editor); Elnaz Mehrkhah (editor); Caspar Behme (editor), 2019
Form- und Bewegungskräfte in Kunst, Literatur und Wissenschaft
Frank Fehrenbach (editor), Lutz Hengst (editor), Frederike Middelhoff (editor), Cornelia Zumbusch (editor), 2022