کتاب های F. De P. Castells

The City and the Grassroots
Manuel Castells, 1983
Aftermath: The Cultures of the Economic Crisis
Manuel Castells, 2012
The City and the Grassroots: A Cross-cultural Theory of Urban Social Movements
Manuel Castells, 1983
Farmacología en enfermería
[directoras:] Silvia Castells Molina, 2007
The Urban Question: A Marxist Approach
Manuel Castells, 1979
City, Class and Power
Manuel Castells, 1982
End of Millennium: With a New Preface, Volume III, Second edition With a new preface
Manuel Castells(auth.), 2010
La galaxia Internet, Reflexiones sobre Internet y sociedad
Manuel Castells, 2001
Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age
Manuel Castells, 2012
Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age
Manuel Castells, 2015
Enformasyon Çağı: Ekonomi, Toplum ve Kültür Cilt-2, Kimliğin Gücü
Manuel Castells, 2006
Enformasyon Çağı: Ekonomi, Toplum ve Kültür Cilt-1, Ağ Toplumunun Yükselişi
Manuel Castells, 2008
Enformasyon Çağı: Ekonomi, Toplum ve Kültür Cilt-3, Binyılın Sonu
Manuel Castells, 2007
Die Macht der Identität: Das Informationszeitalter. Wirtschaft. Gesellschaft. Kultur. Band 2
Manuel Castells (auth.), 2017
Jahrtausendwende: Das Informationszeitalter. Wirtschaft. Gesellschaft. Kultur. Band 3
Manuel Castells (auth.), 2017
Der Aufstieg der Netzwerkgesellschaft: Das Informationszeitalter. Wirtschaft. Gesellschaft. Kultur. Band 1
Manuel Castells (auth.), 2017
Reti di indignazione e speranza. Movimenti sociali nell'era di internet
Manuel Castells, 2012
O Poder da Identidade
Manuel Castells, 2018
Ruptura: a Crise da Democracia Liberal
Manuel Castells, 2018
Redes de Indignação e Esperança: Movimentos Sociais na Era da Internet
Manuel Castells, 2017
A Galáxia da Internet: Reflexões sobre a Internet, os Negócios e a Sociedade
Manuel Castells, 2003