کتاب های F. Rohr Vio

Roma antica. Storia e documenti
G. Cresci Marrone, F. Rohr Vio, L. Calvelli, 2014
Storia romana. Libri LII-LVI
Cassio Dione, a cura di Giovannella Cresci Marrone, Alessandro Stroppa, Francesca Rohr Vio, 2016
Introduzione alla storiografia romana
Manca, Massimo; Rohr Vio, Francesca, 2019
Dalla repubblica al principato: politica e potere in Roma antica
Cristofoli, Roberto; Galimberti, Alessandro; Rohr Vio, Francesca
Fulvia. Una matrona tra i «signori della guerra»
Francesca Rohr Vio, 2013
Breathing Under Water
Richard Rohr [Rohr, Richard], 2015
Communications for Manufacturing: Proceedings of the Open Congress 4–7 September 1990 Stuttgart, Germany CEC DG XIII: Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation
Roberto Vio, Roberto Baldini, Fulvio Rusina (auth.), Stephen Withnell, W. Van Puymbroeck (eds.), 1990
Opera omnia, iussu impensaque Leonis XIII (vol. 11): Summa IIIᵃ q. 1-59
Aquinas, St. Thomas & Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio, O.P.
Summa Theologiae, Prima Pars: Volume 1, The One God, QQ 1-26: With the Commentary of Cardinal Cajetan
Thomas Aquinas, Thomas de Vio Cajetan, William H. Marshner, 2024
Summa Theologiae, Prima Pars: Volume 3, Human Beings and God's Governance of Creation, QQ 75-119: With the Commentary of Cardinal Cajetan
Thomas Aquinas, Thomas de Vio Cajetan, William H. Marshner, 2024
Summa Theologiae, Prima Pars: Volume 2, On the Holy Trinity and Creation in General, QQ 27-74: With the Commentary of Cardinal Cajetan
Thomas Aquinas, Thomas de Vio Cajetan, William H. Marshner, 2024
Robin Williams Design Workshop
Robin Williams, John Tollett, Dave Rohr, 2001
Advanced Bimanual Manipulation: Results from the DEXMART Project
Rainer Jäkel, Steffen W. Rühl, Sven R. Schmidt-Rohr (auth.), Bruno Siciliano (eds.), 2012
Die Theorie der optischen Instrumente: I. Band. Die Bilderzeugung in optischen Instrumenten
H. Siedentopf (auth.), Carl Zeiss, P. Culmann, S. Czapski, A. König, F. Löwe, M. von Rohr, H. Siedentopf, E. Wandersleb (eds.), 1904
Multidimensional Solid-State NMR and Polymers
Klaus Schmidt-Rohr; Hans Wolfgang Spiess, 1994
Handbook of Sustainable Textile Production (Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles)
Marion Tobler-Rohr, 2011
AARP Falling Upward. A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
Richard Rohr, 2011
Die optischen Instrumente: Brille, Lupe, Mikroskop, Fernrohr Aufnahmelinse und ihnen verwandte Vorkehrungen
Dr. Moritz von Rohr (auth.), 1930
Theorie und Geschichte des Photographischen Objektivs
Dr. Phil. Moritz von Rohr (auth.), 1899
Das Brillenglas: Als Optisches Instrument
Dr. Moritz von Rohr, 1934